There are two example implementations included in the project, one for an activity-based model and one for for a four-step (trip-based) model. bca4abm requires model outputs for a base and a build alternative. The required model outputs which are input to bca4abm need to be the same in each alternative. The values in the model outputs can be different, but the files, the formats, the number of matrices, etc. all need to be the same. The outputs need to be in open data formats - CSV and open matrix (OMX).
Each example may be run via
bca4abm create --example [example name] bca4abm run --working_dir [example name]
Basic Setup¶
Each benefits calculator model has the same folder setup:
configs - setting and data processor expression files for the overall tool and for each data processor
data - base and build model scenario input data tables and matrices
output - an empty output folder
The configs
folder contains settings, expressions files, and other files required for specifying
model utilities and form. The first place to start in the configs
folder is settings.yaml
, which
is the main settings file for the model run. This file includes:
- list of model steps to run - auto demographics processor, person trips processor, etc.resume_after
- to resume running the data pipeline after the last successful checkpointtrace_hh_id
- trace household id; comment out for no tracetrace_od
- trace origin, destination pair in accessibility calculation; comment out for no tracechunk_size
- batch size for processing choosersoutput_tables
- list of output tables to write to CSVdump
- True or False and specifies if bca4abm should write the output intermediate CSV tables for debuggingglobal variables that can be used in expressions tables and Python code such as:
- cost discounting factorANNUALIZATION_FACTOR
- daily to annual factor
Included in the configs
folder are the model specification files that store the configuration files for each model. Also included
in the configs
folder is the tables.yaml
file that stores the file names for each data processor input table,
as well as the mapping from input column names to column names used in the expressions. The file also specifies the input
table file name and the name of the table used in the expressions. All fields to be used in expressions must be in the mapping
since the mapping defines which fields are loaded into memory.
ABM Example¶
The models are:
demographics_processor - disaggregate person calculations
person_trips_processor - disaggregate trip calculations
auto_ownership_processor - disaggregate person (and household) auto ownership calculations
physical_activity_processor - disaggregate person and trip physical activity calculations
aggregate_trips_processor - aggregate (matrix-based) calculations
link_daily_processor - daily link-based calculations
link_processor - time period link-based calculations
finalize_abm_results - writes results by equity group (aka COC or community of concern)
write_data_dictionary - writes data pipeline data table column types for debugging
write_tables - writes output files
The current set of files are below.
Model |
Specification Files |
demographics_processor |
person_trips_processor |
auto_ownership_processor |
physical_activity_processor |
aggregate_trips_processor |
link_daily_processor |
link_processor |
ABM expression file specifics:
All target fields specified in the expressions file will be aggregated and written out to the summary results file. Each summary result entry is named as follows: the two digit processor abbreviation + the target field. For example: AO_base_auto_ownership_cost.
aggregate_trips.csv references the fields in aggregate_data_manifest.csv as: base_trips, build_trips, base_ivt, build_ivt, vot, aoc_units, base_aoc, build_aoc, toll_units, base_toll, build_toll
auto_ownership.csv, demographics.csv, physical_activity_person.csv refer to the person table as persons
link.csv, link_daily.csv refer to the links table as links
person_trips.csv refers to the trips table as trips
physical_activity_trip.csv refers to the base and build trips as trips, base, build
The data
folder contains the input data for the base and build scenario.
Disaggregate data
persons.csv - base and build alternative person records
base_households.csv - base alternative households
build_households.csv - build alternative households
basetrips_normal.csv - base alternative trips with base alternative trip level-of-service
basetrips_buildlos.csv - base alternative trips with build alternative trip level-of-service
buildtrips_normal.csv - build alternative trips with build alternative trip level-of-service
buildtrips_baselos.csv - build alternative trips with base alternative trip level-of-service
Aggregate data
aggregate_data_manifest.csv - aggregate markets for which to apply the aggregate calculations defined in aggregate_trips.csv - each row in the manifest contains a trip matrix, an in-vehicle time matrix, an auto operating cost matrix, and a toll matrix. Each matrix will be loaded for the base and build alternative from the base and build data folders. These matrices + the additional settings in each row for units, value-of-time, etc. are referenced in the expressions.
base data folder
testlos.omx - base alternative level-of-service matrices - IVT, opercost, tollcost
testtrips.omx - base alternative trips
build data folder
testlos.omx - build alternative level-of-service matrices - IVT, opercost, tollcost
testtrips.omx - build alternative trips
Link data
link_data_manifest.csv - link time period tables to process in link processor. The daily like table is not specified since it is handled by a separate daily link processor.
base data folder
link_ampk.csv - base alternative AM peak link records
link_daily.csv - base alternative daily link records
build data folder
link_ampk.csv - build alternative AM peak link records
link_daily.csv - build alternative daily link records
The ABM example outputs are:
asim.log - log file
data_dict.txt - pipeline table data and fields
final_summary_results.csv - all calculated measures. All target fields specified in the expressions file will be aggregated and written out to the summary results file. Each summary result entry is named as follows: the two digit processor abbreviation + the target field. For example: AO_base_auto_ownership_cost.
final_checkpoints.csv - tables in the pipeline for debugging if desired
final_coc_results.csv - results by community of concern
final_coc_silos.csv - results by community of concern
pipeline.h5.h5 - HDF5 data pipeline which contains all the data tables in pandas format and can be read into pandas with pd.read_hdf.
If trace_hh_id is specified in the settings file:
auto_ownership.csv - results by person
demographics.csv - results by person
person_trips.csv - results by person
physical_activity_persons.csv - results by person
physical_activity_trips.csv - results by trip
Four-Step Example¶
The models are:
aggregate_demographics_processor - zone-based calculations to identify equity groups
aggregate_zone_processor - zone-based calculations such as auto ownership and destination choice logsums benefits
aggregate_zone_benefits - sum benefits by equity group
aggregate_od_processor - OD pair-based calaculations such as travel time savings
link_daily_processor - daily link-based calculations such as safety and emissions
write_data_dictionary - writes data pipeline data table column types for debugging
write_tables - writes output files
The current set of files are below.
Model |
Specification Files |
aggregate_demographics_processor |
aggregate_zone_processor |
aggregate_od_processor |
link_daily_processor |
4Step expression file specifics:
The silo column in the expressions files is used for specifying the relevant communities-of-concern (COC) for the result. An * is used to specify that the result applies to everyone. If the result applies to just one COC, for example, low_income hhs, then the silo entry should correspond to a valid coc_silos entry in the setting file, such as coc_lowinc.
aggregate_demographics.csv refers to the zone table as cvals
aggregate_zone.csv refers to the zone table as zones and prepends base_ or build_
aggregate_od.csv refers to the matrices specified in aggregate_od_matrices by name and appends _base or _build
link.csv refers to the links table specified in the link_daily_file_names by links plus the name appended
The data
folder contains the input data for the base and build scenario.
mce_input_links_[time bin] files - hourly link period assignment results
mce_input_skims.omx - skims matrices
mode_choice_pa_[segment].omx - mode choice production-attraction matrices
mce_input_transit_fares.omx - transit cost matrices
mce_input_cval.csv - see above
cocs.csv - externally defined COC share of households by zone
mce_zone_vectors.csv - production and destination attribute vectors, including parking costs
zone_districts.csv - zone district scheme for district-to-district O-D processor aggregate report and for zone labels if zones non-sequential
moves_2010_summer_running_rates.csv - EPA MOVES emissions rate table lookup file
The 4step example outputs are:
bca.log - log file
data_dict.txt - pipeline table data and fields
final_aggregate_results.csv - results by measure and COC, including for everyone
pipeline.h5.h5 - HDF5 data pipeline which contains all the data tables in pandas format and can be read into pandas with pd.read_hdf.
Intermediate outputs for debugging
final_zone_demographics.csv - demographics processor calculated fields for each zone
final_aggregate_zone_summary.csv - zone processor calculated fields for each zone
final_aggregate_od_zone_summary.csv - OD processor calculated fields summed to each origin zone
final_aggregate_od_district_summary.csv - District-to-district OD processor calculated fields summed
link_daily_results_base|build.csv - link processor calculated fields
If trace_od is specified in the settings file:
aggregate_demographics.csv - demographics processor calculated fields for the trace origin zone
aggregate_zone.csv - zone processor calculated fields for the trace origin zone
aggregate_od.csv - OD processor calculated fields for the trace OD pair
link_daily_results_build.csv - build scenario link processor calculated fields for links in the trace origin or destination zone
link_daily_results_base.csv - base scenario link processor calculated fields for links in the trace origin or destination zone