

About this Document

This document is stand-alone interactive dashboard viewable from most modern Internet browsers. The dashboard is meant to be a high-level summary of an rFreight scenario. All of the data, charts, and maps viewable in this dashboard are embedded directly into the HTML file, so users are encouraged to share their scenario results with others via this document. An Internet connection is necessary for the best user experience, but is not required.

Users may navigate to different areas of the dashboard using the navigation bar at the top of the page, and may interact directly with most tables, charts, and maps.

This document is best viewed using the most recent versions of the following web browsers:


Run Date


Run Duration


Synthesized Firms


Shipments Delivered


Freight Truck Tours


Commercial Vehicle Tours


Total Stops


Intermediate Stops


Model Region Map

Model Region and Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) System



Synthesized Firms


Synthesized Employment


Chart Column 1

Firms by Industry

Firms by Size

Chart Column 2

Employment by Industry

Employment by Size

Chart Column 3

Firms by Commodity Produced

Firms by Industry and Size



Firms by Industry

Note: Each data point represents 10 firms and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

Employment by Industry

Note: Each data point represents 100 employees and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

Firms by Size

Note: Each data point represents 10 firms and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

Employment by Size

Note: Each data point represents 100 employees and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.



Annual Shipments


Annual Shipments (II)


Annual Shipments (IX)


Annual Shipments (XI)


Chart Column 1

Movement Type and Mode

Note: “Mode” refers to the mode of the long distance movement.

Movement Type and Production/Consumption

Note: Internal-to-Internal shipments are counted as both production and consumption for the model region.

Chart Column 2

Shipment Size

Chart Column 3

Commodity and Movement Type

Commodity and Production/Consumption

Note: Internal-to-Internal shipments are counted as both production and consumption for the model region.



Annual Tonnage


Annual Tonnage (II)


Annual Tonnage (IX)


Annual Tonnage (XI)


Chart Column 1

Movement Type and Mode

Note: “Mode” refers to the mode of the long distance movement.

Movement Type and Production/Consumption

Note: Internal-to-Internal tonnage is counted as both production and consumption for the model region.

Chart Column 2

Shipment Size

Chart Column 3

Commodity and Movement Type

Commodity and Production/Consumption

Note: Internal-to-Internal tonnage is counted as both production and consumption for the model region.


Table Column 1

External Station Truck Counts



Freight Truck Tours


Freight Truck Peddling Tours


Total Stops


Intermediate Stops


Chart Column 1




Chart Column 2


External Station Truck Counts


Density Column 1

First Stop Arrival Time by Vehicle

First Stop Arrival Time by Activity

Density Column 2

Tour Length by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 92 miles and are not displayed.

Trip Length by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 48 miles and are not displayed.

Tour Duration by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 392 minutes and are not displayed.

Trip Duration by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 52 minutes and are not displayed.

Stop Duration by Vehicle

Note: 5% of stops are longer than 65 minutes and are not displayed.

Stop Duration by Activity

Note: 5% of stops are longer than 65 minutes and are not displayed.



Stops Over Time

Sampled Tours

Note: These are a sampling of peddling-tours from a few distribution centers for illustrative purposes.

Stops by Vehicle Type

Note: Each data point represents 25 stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

Stops by Activity

Note: Each data point represents 25 stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.


Chart Column 1

Vehicle Shares

Stops per Peddling Tour

Single-Stop Peddling Tours

Note: The proportion of single-stop tours is not directly calibrated.

Chart Column 2

First Stop Arrival Time

Chart Column 3

Intermediate Stops per Scheduled Stop

Meal or Break Stops per 8 Hours

Refueling Stops per 100 miles



Commercial Vehicle Tours


Total Stops


Goods Stops


Service Stops


Meeting Stops


Intermediate Stops


Number of Stops per Tour by Activity

Note: 5% of stops are longer than 65 minutes and are not displayed.

Chart Column 1




Chart Column 2





Density Column 1

First Stop Arrival Time by Vehicle

First Stop Arrival Time by Activity

Density Column 2

Tour Length by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 59 miles and are not displayed.

Trip Length by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 19 miles and are not displayed.

Tour Duration by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 502 minutes and are not displayed.

Trip Duration by Vehicle

Note: 5% of trips are longer than 24 minutes and are not displayed.

Stop Duration by Vehicle

Note: 5% of stops are longer than 194 minutes and are not displayed.

Stop Duration by Activity

Note: 5% of stops are longer than 194 minutes and are not displayed.



Stops Over Time

Sampled Tours

Note: These are a sampling of tours of a single firm in the selected industry for illustrative purposes.

Stops by Vehicle Type

Note: Each data point represents 25 stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

Stops by Activity

Note: Each data point represents 25 stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.


Chart Column 1

Firm-to-Stop Distance

Note: Bar whiskers represent one standard deviation.

Scheduled Stops per Tour

Single-Stop Tours

Chart Column 2

Vehicle Shares (Simulated)

Vehicle Shares (Target)

Chart Column 3

First Stop Arrival Time

Chart Column 4

Intermediate Stops per Scheduled Stop

Meal or Break Stops per 8 Hours

Refueling Stops per 100 miles

title: "`r paste(SCENARIO_NAME, 'Scenario Summary')`"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
    theme: yeti
    source_code: embed
    css: "ReportDashboardStyles.css"
      after_body: "TAZ_Layer.html"

```{r Setup}
opts_knit$set(root.dir = SYSTEM_APP_PATH)

```{r Map_Settings}

shp_outline <- gUnaryUnion(shp)
map_type <- "OpenStreetMap.HOT"


```{r Common_Values}
# TODO: vectors like these could be moved into an rFreight function
tod_breaks30 <- seq(from = 0, to = 1440, by = 30)
tod_labels30 <- c("12:00am - 12:29am", "12:30am - 12:59am", "1:00am - 1:29am", 
                  "1:30am - 1:59am", "2:00am - 2:29am", "2:30am - 2:59am",
                  "3:00am - 3:29am", "3:30am - 3:59am", "4:00am - 4:29am",
                  "4:30am - 4:59am", "5:00am - 5:29am", "5:30am - 5:59am",
                  "6:00am - 6:29am", "6:30am - 6:59am", "7:00am - 7:29am",
                  "7:30am - 7:59am", "8:00am - 8:29am", "8:30am - 8:59am",
                  "9:00am - 9:29am", "9:30am - 9:59am", "10:00am - 10:29am",
                  "10:30am - 10:59am", "11:00am - 11:29am", "11:30am - 11:59am",
                  "12:00pm - 12:29pm", "12:30pm - 12:59pm", "1:00pm - 1:29pm",
                  "1:30pm - 1:59pm", "2:00pm - 2:29pm", "2:30pm - 2:59pm",
                  "3:00pm - 3:29pm", "3:30pm - 3:59pm", "4:00pm - 4:29pm",
                  "4:30pm - 4:59pm", "5:00pm - 5:29pm", "5:30pm - 5:59pm",
                  "6:00pm - 6:29pm", "6:30pm - 6:59pm", "7:00pm - 7:29pm",
                  "7:30pm - 7:59pm", "8:00pm - 8:29pm", "8:30pm - 8:59pm",
                  "9:00pm - 9:29pm", "9:30pm - 9:59pm", "10:00pm - 10:29pm",
                  "10:30pm - 10:59pm", "11:00pm - 11:29pm", "11:30pm - 11:59pm")

tod_breaks60 <- seq(from = 0, to = 1440, by = 60)
tod_labels60 <- c("12:00am - 12:59am", "1:00am - 1:59am", "2:00am - 2:59am",
                  "3:00am - 3:59am", "4:00am - 4:59am", "5:00am - 5:59am",
                  "6:00am - 6:59am", "7:00am - 7:59am", "8:00am - 8:59am",
                  "9:00am - 9:59am", "10:00am - 10:59am", "11:00am - 11:59am",
                  "12:00pm - 12:59pm", "1:00pm - 1:59pm", "2:00pm - 2:59pm",
                  "3:00pm - 3:59pm", "4:00pm - 4:59pm", "5:00pm - 5:59pm",
                  "6:00pm - 6:59pm", "7:00pm - 7:59pm", "8:00pm - 8:59pm",
                  "9:00pm - 9:59pm", "10:00pm - 10:59pm", "11:00pm - 11:59pm")


```{r ggplot_Theme}
theme_db <- theme_bw() + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(10,10,20,10),"pt")) # this should eventually be replaced with an RSG theme, which can be substituted for client themes in conjunction with the dashboard's css file in the YAML header

```{r Helper_Functions}

getLeafletScaleFactor <- function(n, n.max = 5000) {
  raw.factor <- n/n.max
  rounded.factors <- c(1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000)
  diffs <- raw.factor - rounded.factors
  scale.factor <- rounded.factors[which(diffs < 0)[1]]

sort_levels <- function(x, decreasing = TRUE, weight = NULL) {
  x <- factor(x)
  if (is.null(weight)) {
    levels.sorted <- names(sort(table(x), decreasing = decreasing))
  } else {
    levels.sorted <- as.character(x)[order(weight, decreasing = decreasing)]


labelMAM <- function(x) {
  x <- as.mam(x)
  hour <- x %/% 60
  min <- x %% 60
  lab <- rep("", length(x))
  lab[hour < 12 & hour > 0] <- paste0(hour[hour < 12 & hour > 0], ":",
                                      str_pad(min[hour < 12 & hour > 0], width = 2, pad = "0"),
                                      " a.m.")
  lab[hour > 12] <- paste0(hour[hour > 12] - 12, ":",
                           str_pad(min[hour > 12], width = 2, pad = "0"),
                           " p.m.")
  lab[hour == 0] <- paste0(12, ":",
                            str_pad(min[hour == 0], width = 2, pad = "0"),
                            " a.m.")
  lab[hour == 12] <- paste0(hour[hour == 12], ":",
                            str_pad(min[hour == 12], width = 2, pad = "0"),
                            " p.m.")

chart_sort <- function(dt, col, weight = NULL) {
  # This monster of a function that I insisted on putting on one line does the
  # following: counts number of unique entries of "col", either weighted by
  # the column "weight" or straight by N; sorts in ascending order by the
  # counted column (either N or V1); pulls the indices of that sort; cross-
  # references those indices back into the counted column; returns the
  # respective value of "col."
  if (is.null(weight)) {
    return(dt[, .N, by = col][sort.int(dt[, .N, by = col][, N], index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix, get(col)])
  return(dt[, sum(get(weight)), by = col][sort.int(dt[, sum(get(weight)), by = col][, V1], index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix, get(col)])

leaflet_custom <- function(data = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, padding = 0, elementId = NULL) {
      leafletData = data
    width = width, height = height,
    sizingPolicy = htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(
      defaultWidth = '100%',
      defaultHeight = 400,
      padding = padding,
      browser.fill = TRUE
    elementId = elementId

addTAZPoints <- function(map, data, group, shp, TAZcol = "TAZ", scale.factor = 1,
                         rad.px = 2, checkBoxes = TRUE, weight = NULL) {
  # The layers of points to plot (drop any without records)
  g <- data[[group]]
  if (is.factor(g)) {
    g.table <- table(g)
    layers <- names(g.table)[g.table > 0]
  } else {
    layers <- sort(unique(g))

  if (length(layers) > 24) warning("(DEVELOPER) Attempting to add more than 24 dot-density layers. This may result in a very large and unresponsive map. Recommend that you check your data.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
  for (level in layers) {
    if (is.null(weight)) {
      counts <- data[get(group) == level, .N, by = TAZcol]
    } else {
      counts <- data[get(group) == level, .(N = sum(get(weight))), by = TAZcol]
    points.list <- list()
    for (i in seq(1, nrow(counts))) {
      points <- NULL
      n <- floor(counts[i, N] / scale.factor)
      if (n < 1) {
          points <- spsample(shp[shp@data$TAZ == counts[i, get(TAZcol)], ],
                             n = n, type = "random")@coords
          points.list <- rbind(points.list, points)
        error = function(e) {
    if (length(points.list) > 0) {
      lngs <- unlist(points.list[, 1])
      lats <- unlist(points.list[, 2])
      map <- map %>% addCircleMarkers(lng = lngs, lat = lats,
                                radius = rad.px, fillOpacity = 1,
                                stroke = FALSE, group = level)
  if (checkBoxes) {
    map <- map %>% addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c(layers, "Background Map"),
                                    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))
  } else {
    map <- map %>% addLayersControl(overlayGroups = "Background Map",
                                    baseGroups = layers,
                                    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))

bar_plotter <- function(data, xvar, yvar, fill = "", position = "stack", xlabel = xvar, ylabel = yvar, xrotate = FALSE, yrotate = FALSE, coord_flip = FALSE, legend_label = TRUE) {

  if (fill == "") {
    p <- ggplot(data, aes_q(x = quote(get(xvar)), y = quote(get(yvar)))) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position, fill = "#08519c")
  } else {
    p <- ggplot(data, aes_q(x = quote(get(xvar)), y = quote(get(yvar)), fill = quote(get(fill)))) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position) +
    labs(fill = fill)
  p <- p + xlab(xlabel) + ylab(ylabel) +
  if (xrotate) {
    p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
  if (yrotate) {
    p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
  if (coord_flip) {
    p <- p + coord_flip()
  if (max(data[, get(yvar)]) >= 1000) {
    p <- p + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma)
  if (max(data[, get(yvar)]) <= 1) {
    p <- p + scale_y_continuous(labels = percent)
  if (!legend_label) {
    p <- p + labs(fill = "")
  p <- plotly_build(p)
  p[["data"]] <- lapply(p[["data"]], function(x) {
    x[["text"]] <- gsub(x[["text"]], pattern = "get\\(xvar\\)", replacement = xlabel)
    x[["text"]] <- gsub(x[["text"]], pattern = "get\\(yvar\\)", replacement = ylabel)
    x[["text"]] <- gsub(x[["text"]], pattern = "get\\(fill\\)", replacement = fill)
    x[["text"]] <- sapply(x[["text"]], function(y) {
      long_num <- as.numeric(gsub(y, pattern = gsub(gsub(y, pattern = "[\\+\\*\\(\\)\\[\\]]*", replacement = "."), pattern = "\\d{4,}\\.{0,1}\\d*", replacement = ""), replacement = ""))
      if (!is.na(long_num)) {
        y <- gsub(y, pattern = "\\d{4,}", replacement = format(floor(long_num), big.mark = ","))
      if (max(data[, get(yvar)]) < 1) {
        short_num <- as.numeric(gsub(y, pattern = gsub(gsub(y, pattern = "[\\+\\*\\(\\)\\[\\]]*", replacement = "."), pattern = "0\\.\\d*", replacement = ""), replacement = ""))
        if (!is.na(short_num)) {
          y <- gsub(y, pattern = "0\\.\\d*", replacement = percent(short_num))





Summary {data-width=200}

### About this Document

This document is stand-alone interactive dashboard viewable from most modern Internet browsers. The dashboard is meant to be a high-level summary of an __rFreight__ scenario. All of the data, charts, and maps viewable in this dashboard are embedded directly into the HTML file, so users are encouraged to share their scenario results with others via this document. An Internet connection is necessary for the best user experience, but is not required.

Users may navigate to different areas of the dashboard using the navigation bar at the top of the page, and may interact directly with most tables, charts, and maps.

This document is best viewed using the most recent versions of the following web browsers:

* [Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/)
* [Mozilla Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/)
* [Microsoft Internet Explorer](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/internet-explorer.aspx)

Highlights {data-width=150}

### Run Date

```{r Run_Date_ValueBox}
valueBox(Sys.Date(), "Model Run Date", icon = "fa-calendar")

### Run Duration

```{r Run_Duration_ValueBox}
value <- round(SCENARIO_RUN_DURATION, 1)
caption <- paste0("Model Runtime (", attr(value, "units"), ")")
valueBox(value, caption = caption, icon = "fa-clock-o")

### Synthesized Firms

```{r Synthesized_Firms_ValueBox}
value <- format(RegionalFirms[, .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Synthesized Firms", icon = "fa-building-o")

### Shipments Delivered

```{r Shipments_Delivered_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[, .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Freight Shipments", icon = "fa-cube")

### Freight Truck Tours

```{r Freight_Truck_Tours_ValueBox}
value <- format(ft_trips[, uniqueN(TourID)], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
FreightTruckTours.ValueBox <- valueBox(value, caption = "Freight Truck Tours", icon = "fa-truck")

### Commercial Vehicle Tours

```{r Commercial_Vehicle_Tours_ValueBox}
value <- format(cv_trips[, .N, by = .(BusID, Vehicle, TourID)][, .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
CommercialVehicleTours.ValueBox <- valueBox(value, caption = "Commercial Vehicle Tours", icon = "fa-truck")

### Total Stops

```{r Total_Stops_ValueBox}
value <- format(cv_trips[Activity != "Return", .N] + ft_trips[Activity != "Return", .N],
                big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Total Stops", icon = "fa-map-marker")

### Intermediate Stops

```{r Intermediate_Stops_ValueBox}
value <- format(cv_trips[Scheduled == 0L, .N] + ft_trips[Scheduled == 0L, .N],
                big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Intermediate Stops", icon = "fa-cutlery")

Model Region Map {data-width=650}

### Model Region and Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) System

```{r Model_Region_Map}
colorFun <- colorFactor(palette = "Dark2", domain = shp@data[["Organization"]])
map <- leaflet_custom(elementId = "test") %>%
  addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") %>%
    overlayGroups = "Background Map", options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
  ) %>%
  setView(-79.84229, 35.93984, 10) %>%
  addLegend(position = "bottomright", pal = colorFun, values = levels(shp@data[["Organization"]]))

Charts {data-navmenu="Firm Synthesis"}

Highlights {data-width=150}

### Synthesized Firms

```{r Synthesized_Firms_ValueBox2}
value <- format(RegionalFirms[, .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Synthesized Firms", icon = "fa-building-o")

### Synthesized Employment

```{r Synthesized_Employment_ValueBox}
value <- format(RegionalFirms[, sum(Employees)], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Synthesized Employees", icon = "fa-briefcase")

Chart Column 1 {data-width=283}

### Firms by Industry

```{r Chart_Firms_By_Industry}
# Organize
dat <- RegionalFirms[, .N, by = .(Industry = Industry10)][order(Industry)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Firms_by_Industry.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Industry", yvar = "N", ylabel = "Firms", xrotate = TRUE)

### Firms by Size

```{r Chart_Firms_By_Size}
# Organize
dat <- RegionalFirms[, .N, by = .(Size = esizecat)][order(Size)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Firms_by_Size.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Size", yvar = "N", xlabel = "Firm Size Category", ylabel = "Firms", xrotate = TRUE)

Chart Column 2 {data-width=283}

### Employment by Industry

```{r Chart_Employment_By_Industry}
# Organize
dat <- RegionalFirms[, .(Employees = sum(Employees)), by = .(Industry = Industry10)][order(Industry)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Employees_by_Industry.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Industry", yvar = "Employees", xrotate = TRUE)

### Employment by Size

```{r Chart_Employment_By_Size}
# Organize
dat <- RegionalFirms[, .(Employees = sum(Employees)), by = .(Size = esizecat)][order(Size)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Employees_by_Size.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Size", yvar = "Employees", xlabel = "Firm Size Category", xrotate = TRUE)

Chart Column 3 {.tabset .tabset-fade data-width=283}

### Firms by Commodity Produced

```{r Chart_Firms_By_Commodity_Produced}

# Organize
dat <- RegionalFirms[!is.na(SCTG), .(SCTG)]
dat <- dat[SCTGCodes, Commodity := factor(i.Label), on = "SCTG", nomatch = 0]
dat[, Commodity := factor(Commodity, levels = sort_levels(Commodity))]
dat <- dat[, .N, by = .(SCTG, Commodity)][order(SCTG)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Firms_by_Commodity.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Commodity", yvar = "N", xlabel = "Commodity Produced", ylabel = "Firms", coord_flip = TRUE)

### Firms by Industry and Size

```{r Chart_Firms_By_Commodity_And_Size}
# Organize
dat <- RegionalFirms[, .N, by = .(Industry = Industry10, Size = esizecat)][order(Industry, Size)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Firms_by_Commodity_and_Size.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Industry", yvar = "N", fill = "Size", ylabel = "Firms", coord_flip = TRUE)

Maps {data-navmenu="Firm Synthesis"}

Column-1 {.tabset .tabset-fade}

### Firms by Industry

```{r Map_Firms_By_Industry, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS}
k <- 10
map <- leaflet(width = "100%") %>%
  addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map")
map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = RegionalFirms, shp = shp, group = "Industry10",
                            scale.factor = k)

> Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` firms and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

### Employment by Industry

```{r Map_Employment_By_Industry, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS}
k <- 100
map <- leaflet(shp, width = "100%") %>%
  addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map")
map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = RegionalFirms, shp = shp,
                            group = "Industry10", weight = "Employees",
                            scale.factor = k)

> Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` employees and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

### Firms by Size

```{r Map_Firms_By_Size, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS}
k <- 10
map <- leaflet(shp, width = "100%") %>%
  addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map")
map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = RegionalFirms, shp = shp,
                            group = "esizecat", scale.factor = k)

> Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` firms and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

### Employment by Size

```{r Map_Employment_By_Size, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS}
k <- 100
map <- leaflet(shp, width = "100%") %>%
  addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map")
map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = RegionalFirms, shp = shp,
                            group = "esizecat", weight = "Employees",
                            scale.factor = k)

> Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` employees and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level.

Shipments {data-navmenu="Annual Shipments"}

Highlights {data-width=150}

### Annual Shipments

```{r Annual_Shipments_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[, sum(NumShipments)], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Annual Shipments", icon = "fa-cube")

### Annual Shipments (II)

```{r Annual_II_Shipments_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[Movement.Type == "II", sum(NumShipments)], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Internal-to-Internal (II)", icon = "fa-arrows")

### Annual Shipments (IX)

```{r Annual_IX_Shipments_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[Movement.Type == "IX", sum(NumShipments)], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Internal-to-External (IX)", icon = "fa-arrow-up")

### Annual Shipments (XI)

```{r Annual_XI_Shipments_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[Movement.Type == "XI", sum(NumShipments)], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "External-to-Internal (XI)", icon = "fa-arrow-down")

Chart Column 1 {data-width=283}

### Movement Type and Mode

```{r Chart_Shipments_By_MovementType_And_Mode}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Shipments = sum(NumShipments)),
                       by = .(Mode, `Movement Type` = Movement.Type)][order(Mode, `Movement Type`)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Shipments_by_MovementType_and_Mode.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Movement Type", yvar = "Shipments", fill = "Mode")

> Note: "Mode" refers to the mode of the long distance movement.

### Movement Type and Production/Consumption

```{r Chart_Shipments_By_MovementType_And_ProCon}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Shipments = sum(NumShipments)), by = .(`Movement Type` = Movement.Type)]
dat[`Movement Type` %in% c("II", "XI"), ProCon := "Consume"]
dat[`Movement Type` == "IX", ProCon := "Produce"]
dat <- rbind(dat, dat[`Movement Type` == "II", .(`Movement Type`, Shipments, ProCon = "Produce")])

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Shipments_by_MovementType_and_ProductionConsumption.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Movement Type", yvar = "Shipments", fill = "ProCon")

> Note: Internal-to-Internal shipments are counted as both production and consumption for the model region.

Chart Column 2 {data-width=283}

### Shipment Size

```{r Chart_Shipments_By_ShipmentSize}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Shipments = sum(NumShipments)),
                       by = .(`Shipment Size` = ShipmentSize)][order(`Shipment Size`)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Shipments_by_ShipmentSize.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Shipment Size", yvar = "Shipments", xrotate = TRUE, coord_flip = TRUE)

Chart Column 3 {.tabset data-width=283}

### Commodity and Movement Type

```{r Chart_Shipments_By_Commodity_And_Movement_Type}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Shipments = sum(NumShipments)),
                       by = .(SCTG, `Movement Type` = Movement.Type)][order(SCTG, `Movement Type`)]
dat[SCTGCodes, Commodity := i.Label, on = "SCTG", nomatch = 0]
setcolorder(dat, neworder = c("SCTG", "Commodity", "Movement Type", "Shipments"))
sorted.levels <- dat[, .(Shipments = sum(Shipments)), by = Commodity][, sort_levels(Commodity, weight = Shipments)]
dat[, Commodity := factor(Commodity, levels = sorted.levels)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Shipments_by_Commodity_and_MovementType.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Commodity", yvar = "Shipments", fill = "Movement Type", xrotate = TRUE, coord_flip = TRUE)

### Commodity and Production/Consumption

```{r Chart_Shipments_By_Commodity_And_ProCon}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Shipments = sum(NumShipments)), by = .(SCTG, Movement.Type)][order(SCTG, Movement.Type)]
dat[Movement.Type %in% c("II", "XI"), ProCon := "Consume"]
dat[Movement.Type == "IX", ProCon := "Produce"]
dat <- rbind(dat, dat[Movement.Type == "II", .(SCTG, Movement.Type, Shipments, ProCon = "Produce")])
dat <- dat[, .(Shipments = sum(Shipments)), by = .(SCTG, ProCon)]
dat[SCTGCodes, Commodity := i.Label, on = "SCTG", nomatch = 0]
setcolorder(dat, neworder = c("SCTG", "Commodity", "ProCon", "Shipments"))
sorted.levels <- dat[, .(Shipments = sum(Shipments)), by = Commodity][, sort_levels(Commodity, weight = Shipments)]
dat[, Commodity := factor(Commodity, levels = sorted.levels)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Shipments_by_Commodity_and_ProductionConsumption.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Commodity", yvar = "Shipments", fill = "ProCon", xrotate = TRUE, coord_flip = TRUE, legend_label = FALSE)

> Note: Internal-to-Internal shipments are counted as both production and consumption for the model region.

Tonnage {data-navmenu="Annual Shipments"}

Highlights {data-width=150}

### Annual Tonnage

```{r Annual_Tonnage_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[, sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Annual Tonnage", icon = "fa-cube")

### Annual Tonnage (II)

```{r Annual_II_Tonnage_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[Movement.Type == "II", sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Internal-to-Internal (II)", icon = "fa-arrows")

### Annual Tonnage (IX)

```{r Annual_IX_Tonnage_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[Movement.Type == "IX", sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Internal-to-External (IX)", icon = "fa-arrow-up")

### Annual Tonnage (XI)

```{r Annual_XI_Tonnage_ValueBox}
value <- format(AnnualShipments[Movement.Type == "XI", sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "External-to-Internal (XI)", icon = "fa-arrow-down")

Chart Column 1 {data-width=283}

### Movement Type and Mode

```{r Chart_Tonnage_By_MovementType_And_Mode}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Tonnage = sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000),
                       by = .(Mode, `Movement Type` = Movement.Type)][order(Mode, `Movement Type`)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Tonnage_by_MovementType_and_Mode.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Movement Type", yvar = "Tonnage", fill = "Mode")

> Note: "Mode" refers to the mode of the long distance movement.

### Movement Type and Production/Consumption

```{r Chart_Tonnage_By_MovementType_And_ProCon}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Tonnage = sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000), by = .(`Movement Type` = Movement.Type)]
dat[`Movement Type` %in% c("II", "XI"), ProCon := "Consume"]
dat[`Movement Type` == "IX", ProCon := "Produce"]
dat <- rbind(dat, dat[`Movement Type` == "II", .(`Movement Type`, Tonnage, ProCon = "Produce")])

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Tonnage_by_MovementType_and_ProductionConsumption.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Movement Type", yvar = "Tonnage", fill = "ProCon")

> Note: Internal-to-Internal tonnage is counted as both production and consumption for the model region.

Chart Column 2 {data-width=283}

### Shipment Size

```{r Chart_Tonnage_By_ShipmentSize}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Tonnage = sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000),
                       by = .(`Shipment Size` = ShipmentSize)][order(`Shipment Size`)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Tonnage_by_ShipmentSize.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Shipment Size", yvar = "Tonnage", xrotate = TRUE, coord_flip = TRUE)

Chart Column 3 {.tabset data-width=283}

### Commodity and Movement Type

```{r Chart_Tonnage_By_Commodity_And_Movement_Type}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Tonnage = sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000),
                       by = .(SCTG, `Movement Type` = Movement.Type)][order(SCTG, `Movement Type`)]
dat[SCTGCodes, Commodity := i.Label, on = "SCTG", nomatch = 0]
setcolorder(dat, neworder = c("SCTG", "Commodity", "Movement Type", "Tonnage"))
sorted.levels <- dat[, .(Tonnage = sum(Tonnage)), by = Commodity][, sort_levels(Commodity, weight = Tonnage)]
dat[, Commodity := factor(Commodity, levels = sorted.levels)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Tonnage_by_Commodity_and_MovementType.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Commodity", yvar = "Tonnage", fill = "Movement Type", xrotate = TRUE, coord_flip = TRUE)

### Commodity and Production/Consumption

```{r Chart_Tonnage_By_Commodity_And_ProCon}
# Organize
dat <- AnnualShipments[, .(Tonnage = sum(ShipmentWeight)/2000), by = .(SCTG, Movement.Type)][order(SCTG, Movement.Type)]
dat[Movement.Type %in% c("II", "XI"), ProCon := "Consume"]
dat[Movement.Type == "IX", ProCon := "Produce"]
dat <- rbind(dat, dat[Movement.Type == "II", .(SCTG, Movement.Type, Tonnage, ProCon = "Produce")])
dat <- dat[, .(Tonnage = sum(Tonnage)), by = .(SCTG, ProCon)]
dat[SCTGCodes, Commodity := i.Label, on = "SCTG", nomatch = 0]
setcolorder(dat, neworder = c("SCTG", "Commodity", "ProCon", "Tonnage"))
sorted.levels <- dat[, .(Tonnage = sum(Tonnage)), by = Commodity][, sort_levels(Commodity, weight = Tonnage)]
dat[, Commodity := factor(Commodity, levels = sorted.levels)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Tonnage_by_Commodity_and_ProductionConsumption.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Commodity", yvar = "Tonnage", fill = "ProCon", xrotate = TRUE, coord_flip = TRUE, legend_label = FALSE)

> Note: Internal-to-Internal tonnage is counted as both production and consumption for the model region.

Tables {data-navmenu="Freight Truck Tours"}

Table Column 1 {.tabset .tabset-fade}

### External Station Truck Counts

```{r Table_Freight_Truck_ExternalStation_Counts}

# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[Movement.Type != "II", .(Count = .N), by = .(ExternalStation, `Movement Type` = Movement.Type, Vehicle)][order(ExternalStation, `Movement Type`, Vehicle)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_Counts_ExternalStations.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot


Charts {data-navmenu="Freight Truck Tours"}

Highlights {data-width=150}

### Freight Truck Tours

```{r Freight_Truck_Tours_ValueBox2}

### Freight Truck Peddling Tours

```{r Freight_Truck_Peddling_Tours}
value <- format(ft_trips[Peddled == 1L, uniqueN(TourID)], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, caption = "Peddling Tours", icon = "fa-truck")

### Total Stops

```{r Freight_Truck_Total_Stops_ValueBox}
value <- format(ft_trips[Activity != "Return", .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, "Total Stops", icon = "fa-map-marker", color = "success")

### Intermediate Stops

```{r Freight_Truck_Intermediate_Stops_ValueBox}
value <- format(ft_trips[Scheduled == 0L, .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE)
valueBox(value, "Intermediate Stops", icon = "fa-cutlery")

Chart Column 1 {data-width=283}

### Placeholder

### Placeholder

### Placeholder

Chart Column 2 {data-width=283}

### Placeholder

### External Station Truck Counts

```{r Table_Freight_Truck_ExternalStationGroup_Counts}

# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[Movement.Type != "II", .(Count = .N), by = .(Direction, `Movement Type` = Movement.Type)][order(Direction, `Movement Type`)]

# Save
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_Counts_ExternalStationGroups.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

# Plot
p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Direction", yvar = "Count", fill = "Movement Type",
                 xrotate = TRUE, coord_flip = TRUE)


Densities {data-navmenu="Freight Truck Tours"}

Density Column 1

### First Stop Arrival Time by Vehicle

```{r Density_Freight_Arrival_Time_By_Vehicle}
# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[TripID == 1L, .(`Arrival Time` = as.numeric(MAMArrive), Vehicle)]

# Save

# Plot
breaks <- seq(from = 0, to = 1439, 60)
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Arrival Time`, fill = Vehicle)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks, labels = labelMAM(breaks)) +
  theme_db + theme(axis.text = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

### First Stop Arrival Time by Activity

```{r Density_Freight_Arrival_Time_By_Activity}
# Organize
ft_trips[Scheduled == 1L, MinTripID := min(TripID), by = .(Vehicle, TourID)]
dat <- ft_trips[TripID == MinTripID, .(`Arrival Time` = as.numeric(MAMArrive), Activity)]

# Save

# Plot
breaks <- seq(from = 0, to = 1439, 60)
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Arrival Time`, fill = Activity)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks, labels = labelMAM(breaks)) +
  theme_db + theme(axis.text = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))

Density Column 2 {.tabset .tabset-fade}

### Tour Length by Vehicle

```{r Density_Freight_Tour_Length_By_Vehicle}
# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[, .(`Tour Length (miles)` = sum(Distance)), by = .(Vehicle, TourID)]

# Save

# Plot
alpha <- 0.95
x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Tour Length (miles)`, alpha))
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Tour Length (miles)`, fill = Vehicle)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) +


> Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` miles and are not displayed.

### Trip Length by Vehicle

```{r Density_Freight_Trip_Length_By_Vehicle}
# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[, .(Vehicle, `Trip Length (miles)` = Distance)]

# Save

# Plot
alpha <- 0.95
x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Trip Length (miles)`, alpha))
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Trip Length (miles)`, fill = Vehicle)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) +

> Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` miles and are not displayed.

### Tour Duration by Vehicle

```{r Density_Freight_Tour_Duration_By_Vehicle}
# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[, .(`Tour Duration (mins)` = sum(TravelTime + StopDuration)),
                by = .(Vehicle, TourID)]

# Save

# Plot
alpha <- 0.95
x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Tour Duration (mins)`, alpha))
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Tour Duration (mins)`, fill = Vehicle)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) +


> Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed.

### Trip Duration by Vehicle

```{r Density_Freight_Trip_Duration_By_Vehicle}
# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[, .(Vehicle, `Trip Duration (mins)` = TravelTime)]

# Save

# Plot
alpha <- 0.95
x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Trip Duration (mins)`, alpha))
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Trip Duration (mins)`, fill = Vehicle)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) +

> Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed.

### Stop Duration by Vehicle

```{r Density_Freight_Stop_Duration_By_Vehicle}
# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[Activity != "Return",
                .(Vehicle, `Stop Duration (minutes)` = StopDuration)]

# Save

# Plot
alpha <- 0.95
x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Stop Duration (minutes)`, alpha))
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Stop Duration (minutes)`, fill = Vehicle)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) +

> Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of stops are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed.

### Stop Duration by Activity

```{r Density_Freight_Stop_Duration_By_Activity}
# Organize
dat <- ft_trips[Activity != "Return",
                .(Activity, `Stop Duration (minutes)` = StopDuration)]

# Save

# Plot
alpha <- 0.95
x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Stop Duration (minutes)`, alpha))
p <- ggplot(dat , aes(x = `Stop Duration (minutes)`, fill = Activity)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) +

> Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of stops are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed.

Maps {data-navmenu="Freight Truck Tours"}

Maps {.tabset .tabset-fade}

### Stops Over Time

```{r Map_Freight_Stops_Over_Time, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS}
stops_total <- ft_trips[, TimeBins := as.factor(floor(MAMArrive / 60))]
stops_total <- stops_total[, .N, by = .(TAZ.Destination, TimeBins)]
stops_total[, nPts := floor(log(N) / 3)]
stops_total <- stops_total[nPts > 0]
map <- leaflet_custom(elementId = "ftstoptime") %>%
  addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") %>%
  setView(-79.84229, 35.93984, 10)
map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, list(htmlDependency(
  name = "leaflet-timeline",
  version = "1.0.0",
  src = c("file" = SYSTEM_TEMPLATES_PATH),
  script = "javascripts/leaflet.timeline.js",
  stylesheet = "stylesheets/leaflet.timeline.css"
map_center <- coordinates(shp_outline)
dimnames(map_center)[[2]] <- c("lon", "lat")
ghost_df <- data.frame()
points_df <- data.frame()
setkey(stops_total, TAZ.Destination)
for (time_bin in levels(stops_total[["TimeBins"]])) {
  stops_time <- stops_total[TimeBins == time_bin, .(TAZ.Destination, nPts)]
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(stops_time))) {
    points <- NULL
    n <- stops_time[i, nPts]
    if (n < 1) {
    polygon_TAZ <- shp[shp@data$TAZ == stops_time[i, TAZ.Destination], ]
        points <- spsample(polygon_TAZ, n = n, type = "random")@coords
      error = function(e) {
    if (!is.null(points)) {
      dimnames(points)[[2]] <- c("lon", "lat")
      start <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:00", as.integer(time_bin)), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
      end   <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:59", as.integer(time_bin)), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
      points_df <- rbind(points_df, data.frame(points, "start" = start, "end" = end))
  start <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:00",  as.integer(time_bin)     ), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
  end   <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:00", (as.integer(time_bin) + 1)), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
  ghost_df <- rbind(ghost_df, data.frame(map_center, "start" = start, "end" = end))
ghost_json <- geojson_json(ghost_df, lat = "lat", lon = "lon")
points_json <- geojson_json(points_df, lat = "lat", lon = "lon")
map %>%
      var slider = L.timelineSliderControl({
        steps: 48,
        duration: 24000,
        showTicks: true,
        waitToUpdateMap: true,
        formatOutput: function(date){
          return new Date(date).toLocaleTimeString("en-US", { hour12: false, second: undefined });
      var timeline = L.timeline(%s, {
        pointToLayer: function(data, latlng){
          return L.circle(latlng, 200, {
            fillOpacity: 1,
            opacity: 1
      var ghostTimeline = L.timeline(%s, {
        pointToLayer: function(data, latlng){
          return L.circle(latlng, 1, {
            fillOpacity: 0,
            opacity: 0
      slider.addTimelines(timeline, ghostTimeline);

### Sampled Tours

```{r Map_Freight_Sample_Tours, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS}
javascript <- 'function(el, x) {
  var basemaps = {};'
map <- leaflet_custom(elementId = "ft_sampletours") %>%
  addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") %>%
  setView(-79.84229, 35.93984, 10) %>%
Vehicle Service
', position = "bottomright" ) map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, list(htmlDependency( name = "leaflet-polylinedecorator", version = "1.1.0", src = c("file" = SYSTEM_TEMPLATES_PATH), script = "javascripts/leaflet.polylineDecorator.js" ))) used_bus <- numeric(0) for (bus_num in 1:5) { i <- 1 max <- 5 possible_businesses <- Facilities[ID %in% unique(ft_trips[, TourID, by = DistID])[, .N, by = DistID][N == max, DistID] & !(ID %in% used_bus), ID] while (TRUE) { business <- ft_trips[DistID == possible_businesses[i], ] if (nrow(business) > 0) { if (length(business[NintStops == 1, TourID]) >= 4) { business <- business[TourID %in% unique(business[!TourID %in% business[NintStops == 1, TourID]][, TourID])[1:4]] break } } i <- i + 1 if (i > length(possible_businesses)) { max <- max + 1 possible_businesses <- Facilities[ID %in% unique(ft_trips[, TourID, by = DistID])[, .N, by = DistID][N == max, DistID] & !(ID %in% used_bus), ID] i <- 1 } } used_bus[bus_num] <- business[1, DistID] pal <- colorFactor(palette = "Set1", levels = unique(business$TourID)) javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf('var lG_%s = L.layerGroup();', bus_num)) for (tour in unique(business$TourID)) { coords <- coordinates(shp[shp@data$TAZ %in% business[TourID == tour, TAZ.Origin], ]) coords <- rbind(coords, coords[1, c(1, 2)]) # This assumes that the tour is a closed walk (beginning and ending vertices are identical) coords[ , c(1,2)] <- coords[ , c(2,1)] javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'var pl_%s = L.polyline(%s, {opacity: 1, weight: 3, color: "%s"}); lG_%s.addLayer(pl_%s);', tour, toJSON(coords), pal(tour), bus_num, tour )) for (i in 1:(nrow(coords) - 1)) { javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'var plDec_%s = L.polylineDecorator(%s, { patterns: [{offset: "100%%", repeat: 0, symbol: L.Symbol.arrowHead({pixelSize: 15, pathOptions: {fillOpacity: 1, weight: 0, color: "%s"}})}] }); lG_%s.addLayer(plDec_%s);', paste0(tour, i), toJSON(coords[i:(i + 1),c(1,2)]), pal(tour), bus_num, paste0(tour, i) )) } } for (activity in unique(business$Activity)) { coords <- coordinates(shp[shp@data$TAZ %in% business[Activity == activity, TAZ.Destination], ]) coords <- rbind(coords, coords[1, c(1, 2)]) coords[ , c(1,2)] <- coords[ , c(2,1)] for (i in 1:(nrow(coords) - 1)) { javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'var plDec_%s = L.polylineDecorator(%s, { patterns: [{offset: 0, repeat: 0, symbol: L.Symbol.marker({markerOptions: {icon: L.divIcon({className: "leaflet-div-icon-ft-%s"})}})}] }); lG_%s.addLayer(plDec_%s);', paste0(tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", activity)), i), toJSON(coords[i:(i + 1),c(1,2)]), tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", activity)), bus_num, paste0(tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", activity)), i) )) } } javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'basemaps["Facility %s"] = lG_%s;', bus_num, bus_num )) } javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'lG_%s.addTo(HTMLWidgets.find("#%s")); L.control.layers(basemaps, {}).addTo(HTMLWidgets.find("#%s")); }', 1, "ft_sampletours", "ft_sampletours" )) map <- onRender(map, javascript) map ``` > Note: These are a sampling of peddling-tours from a few distribution centers for illustrative purposes. ### Stops by Vehicle Type ```{r Map_Freight_Stops_By_Vehicle, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS} k <- 25 map <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = ft_trips[!Activity %in% c("Return", "Transfer")], shp = shp, group = "Vehicle", scale.factor = k, TAZcol = "TAZ.Destination") map ``` > Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level. ### Stops by Activity ```{r Map_Freight_Stops_By_Activity, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS} k <- 25 map <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = ft_trips[!Activity %in% c("Return", "Transfer")], shp = shp, group = "Activity", scale.factor = k, TAZcol = "TAZ.Destination") map ``` > Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level. Calibration {data-navmenu="Freight Truck Tours"} ============================================ Chart Column 1 -------------------------------------------- ### Vehicle Shares ```{r Calibration_Freight_Vehicle_Shares} # Organize dat <- ft_trips[, .N, by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle), .(Vehicle, Simulated = N/sum(N))] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.082, 0.692, 0.226)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_Vehicle_Shares.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Share") p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Vehicle", yvar = "Share", fill = "variable", position = "dodge", legend_label = FALSE) p ``` ### Stops per Peddling Tour ```{r Calibration_Freight_Stops_Per_Tour} # Organize dat <- ft_trips[Peddled == 1L, .N, by = .(TourID, Vehicle)][, .(`Simulated` = mean(N)), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(2.6, 15.1, 6.8)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_Stops_per_Tour.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Stops/Tour") p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Vehicle", yvar = "Stops/Tour", fill = "variable", position = "dodge", legend_label = FALSE) p ``` ### Single-Stop Peddling Tours ```{r Calibration_Freight_Single_Stop_Tours} # Organize dat <- ft_trips[Peddled == 1L, .(N = sum(Scheduled) - 1L), by = .(TourID, Vehicle)][, .(`Simulated` = sum(N==1L)/.N), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.414, 0.070, 0.182)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_Single_Stop_Tour_Shares.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Share") p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Vehicle", yvar = "Share", fill = "variable", position = "dodge", legend_label = FALSE) p ``` > Note: The proportion of single-stop tours is not directly calibrated. Chart Column 2 -------------------------------------------- ### First Stop Arrival Time ```{r Freight_Truck_First_Stop_Arrival_Time} # Organize dat <- ft_trips[TripID == 1L, .(TourID, MAMArrive)] dat[, `Arrival Time` := cut(MAMArrive, breaks = tod_breaks30, labels = tod_labels30, ordered_result = TRUE, right = FALSE)] dat <- dat[, .N, by = `Arrival Time`][order(`Arrival Time`), .(`Arrival Time`, Share = N/sum(N))] targets <- data.table(`Arrival Time` = tod_labels30, Share = c(0.004388279, 0.013164838, 0.013164838, 0.008776559, 0.000000000, 0.017553117, 0.013164838, 0.013164838, 0.013164838, 0.026329676, 0.035106234, 0.032609484, 0.030717955, 0.032609484, 0.062116995, 0.049557379, 0.069607246, 0.078383805, 0.049633242, 0.048952157, 0.038284070, 0.019444646, 0.008171337, 0.032004262, 0.023832925, 0.018839424, 0.036392541, 0.030112733, 0.023832925, 0.025119232, 0.015056367, 0.017553117, 0.016342674, 0.004388279, 0.008171337, 0.004388279, 0.003783057, 0.008776559, 0.004388279, 0.001891529, 0.010668087, 0.000000000, 0.008776559, 0.008171337, 0.000000000, 0.008776559, 0.006279808, 0.004388279)) dat[targets, Target := i.Share, on = "Arrival Time", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_Arrival_Time_Shares.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Arrival Time") p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Arrival Time", yvar = "value", fill = "variable", position = "dodge", coord_flip = TRUE, legend_label = FALSE) p ``` Chart Column 3 -------------------------------------------- ### Intermediate Stops per Scheduled Stop ```{r Calibration_Freight_Intermediate_Per_Scheduled_Stop} # Organize dat <- ft_trips[, .(Simulated = sum(Scheduled == 0L)/(sum(Scheduled == 1L) - 1L)), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.094, 0.067, 0.040)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_IntermediateStops_per_ScheduledStop.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Intermediate Stops/Scheduled Stop") p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = Vehicle, y = `Intermediate Stops/Scheduled Stop`, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + theme_db + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) ggplotly(p) ``` ### Meal or Break Stops per 8 Hours ```{r Calibration_Freight_MealBreak_Stops_Per_8Hours} # Organize dat <- ft_trips[, .(Simulated = sum(Activity == "Break/Meal")/(sum(TravelTime + StopDuration)/(8*60))), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.219, 0.290, 0.229)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_MealBreak_Stops_per_8Hours.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Meal or Break Stops/8 Hours") p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = Vehicle, y = `Meal or Break Stops/8 Hours`, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + theme_db + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) ggplotly(p) ``` ### Refueling Stops per 100 miles ```{r Calibration_Freight_Refueling_Stops_Per_100Miles} # Organize dat <- ft_trips[, .(Simulated = sum(Activity == "Vehicle Service")/(sum(Distance)/100)), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.205, 0.191, 0.100)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Freight_Truck_Refueling_Stops_per_100Miles.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Refueling Stops/100 Miles") p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = Vehicle, y = `Refueling Stops/100 Miles`, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + theme_db + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) ggplotly(p) ``` Charts {data-navmenu="Commercial Vehicle Tours"} ============================================ Highlights {data-width=150} -------------------------------------------- ### Commercial Vehicle Tours ```{r Commercial_Vehicle_Tours_ValueBox2} CommercialVehicleTours.ValueBox ``` ### Total Stops ```{r Commercial_Vehicle_Total_Stops_ValueBox} value <- format(cv_trips[Activity != "Return", .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE) valueBox(value, "Total Stops", icon = "fa-map-marker", color = "success") ``` ### Goods Stops ```{r Commercial_Vehicle_Goods_Stops_ValueBox} value <- format(cv_trips[Activity == "Goods", .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE) valueBox(value, "Goods Deliveries", icon = "fa-cube") ``` ### Service Stops ```{r Commercial_Vehicle_Service_Stops_ValueBox} value <- format(cv_trips[Activity == "Service", .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE) valueBox(value, "Service Stops", icon = "fa-wrench") ``` ### Meeting Stops ```{r Commercial_Vehicle_Meeting_Stops_ValueBox} value <- format(cv_trips[Activity == "Meeting", .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE) valueBox(value, "Meeting Stops", icon = "fa-briefcase") ``` ### Intermediate Stops ```{r Commercial_Vehicle_Intermediate_Stops_ValueBox} value <- format(cv_trips[Scheduled == 0L, .N], big.mark = ",", trim = TRUE) valueBox(value, "Intermediate Stops", icon = "fa-cutlery") ``` ### Number of Stops per Tour by Activity ```{r Density_Commercial_Stops_per_Tour_By_Activity} # # Organize # dat <- cv_trips[, .(`Number of Stops` = .N), by = .(TourID, Activity)] # # # Save # # # Plot # alpha <- 0.95 # x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Number of Stops`, alpha)) # p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Number of Stops`, fill = Activity)) + # geom_density(alpha = 0.25, position = "stack") + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) + # theme_db # ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of stops are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed. Chart Column 1 {data-width=283} -------------------------------------------- ### Placeholder ### Placeholder ### Placeholder Chart Column 2 {data-width=283} -------------------------------------------- ### Placeholder ### Placeholder ### Placeholder Densities {data-navmenu="Commercial Vehicle Tours"} ============================================ Density Column 1 -------------------------------------------- ### First Stop Arrival Time by Vehicle ```{r Density_Commercial_Arrival_Time_By_Vehicle} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[TripID == 1L, .(`Arrival Time` = as.numeric(MAMArrive), Vehicle)] # Save # Plot breaks <- seq(from = 0, to = 1439, 60) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Arrival Time`, fill = Vehicle)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks, labels = labelMAM(breaks)) + theme_db + theme(axis.text = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) ggplotly(p) ``` ### First Stop Arrival Time by Activity ```{r Density_Commercial_Arrival_Time_By_Activity} # Organize cv_trips[Scheduled == 1L, MinTripID := min(TripID), by = .(BusID, Vehicle, TourID)] dat <- cv_trips[TripID == MinTripID, .(`Arrival Time` = as.numeric(MAMArrive), Activity)] # Save # Plot breaks <- seq(from = 0, to = 1439, 60) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Arrival Time`, fill = Activity)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks, labels = labelMAM(breaks)) + theme_db + theme(axis.text = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) ggplotly(p) ``` Density Column 2 {.tabset .tabset-fade} -------------------------------------------- ### Tour Length by Vehicle ```{r Density_Commercial_Tour_Length_By_Vehicle} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .(`Tour Length (miles)` = sum(Distance)), by = .(BusID, Vehicle, TourID)] # Save # Plot alpha <- 0.95 x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Tour Length (miles)`, alpha)) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Tour Length (miles)`, fill = Vehicle)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) + theme_db ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` miles and are not displayed. ### Trip Length by Vehicle ```{r Density_Commercial_Trip_Length_By_Vehicle} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .(Vehicle, `Trip Length (miles)` = Distance)] # Save # Plot alpha <- 0.95 x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Trip Length (miles)`, alpha)) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Trip Length (miles)`, fill = Vehicle)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) + theme_db ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` miles and are not displayed. ### Tour Duration by Vehicle ```{r Density_Commercial_Tour_Duration_By_Vehicle} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .(`Tour Duration (mins)` = sum(TravelTime+StopDuration)), by = .(BusID, Vehicle, TourID)] # Save # Plot alpha <- 0.95 x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Tour Duration (mins)`, alpha)) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Tour Duration (mins)`, fill = Vehicle)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) + theme_db ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed. ### Trip Duration by Vehicle ```{r Density_Commercial_Trip_Duration_By_Vehicle} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .(Vehicle, `Trip Duration (mins)` = TravelTime)] # Save # Plot alpha <- 0.95 x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Trip Duration (mins)`, alpha)) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Trip Duration (mins)`, fill = Vehicle)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) + theme_db ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of trips are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed. ### Stop Duration by Vehicle ```{r Density_Commercial_Stop_Duration_By_Vehicle} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[Activity != "Return", .(Vehicle, `Stop Duration (minutes)` = StopDuration)] # Save # Plot alpha <- 0.95 x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Stop Duration (minutes)`, alpha)) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Stop Duration (minutes)`, fill = Vehicle)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) + theme_db ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of stops are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed. ### Stop Duration by Activity ```{r Density_Commercial_Stop_Duration_By_Activity} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[Activity != "Return", .(Activity, `Stop Duration (minutes)` = StopDuration)] # Save # Plot alpha <- 0.95 x.limits <- c(0, quantile(dat$`Stop Duration (minutes)`, alpha)) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = `Stop Duration (minutes)`, fill = Activity)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + ylab("Density") + xlim(x.limits) + theme_db ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: `r percent(1 - alpha)` of stops are longer than `r round(x.limits[2])` minutes and are not displayed. Maps {data-navmenu="Commercial Vehicle Tours"} ============================================ Maps {.tabset .tabset-fade} -------------------------------------------- ### Stops Over Time ```{r Map_Commercial_Stops_Over_Time, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS} stops_total <- cv_trips[, TimeBins := as.factor(floor(MAMArrive / 60))] stops_total <- stops_total[, .N, by = .(DTAZ, TimeBins)] stops_total[, nPts := floor(log(N) / 3.5)] stops_total <- stops_total[nPts > 0] map <- leaflet_custom(elementId = "cvstoptime") %>% addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") %>% setView(-79.84229, 35.93984, 10) map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, list(htmlDependency( name = "leaflet-timeline", version = "1.0.0", src = c("file" = SYSTEM_TEMPLATES_PATH), script = "javascripts/leaflet.timeline.js", stylesheet = "stylesheets/leaflet.timeline.css" ))) map_center <- coordinates(shp_outline) dimnames(map_center)[[2]] <- c("lon", "lat") ghost_df <- data.frame() points_df <- data.frame() setkey(stops_total, DTAZ) for (time_bin in levels(stops_total[["TimeBins"]])) { stops_time <- stops_total[TimeBins == time_bin, .(DTAZ, nPts)] for (i in seq_len(nrow(stops_time))) { points <- NULL n <- stops_time[i, nPts] if (n < 1) { next } polygon_TAZ <- shp[shp@data$TAZ == stops_time[i, DTAZ], ] tryCatch( { points <- spsample(polygon_TAZ, n = n, type = "random")@coords }, error = function(e) { NULL } ) if (!is.null(points)) { dimnames(points)[[2]] <- c("lon", "lat") start <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:00", as.integer(time_bin)), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") end <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:59", as.integer(time_bin)), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") points_df <- rbind(points_df, data.frame(points, "start" = start, "end" = end)) } } start <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:00", as.integer(time_bin) ), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") end <- strptime(sprintf("2000-01-01 %02d:00", (as.integer(time_bin) + 1)), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ghost_df <- rbind(ghost_df, data.frame(points, "start" = start, "end" = end)) } ghost_json <- geojson_json(ghost_df, lat = "lat", lon = "lon") points_json <- geojson_json(points_df, lat = "lat", lon = "lon") map %>% onRender(sprintf( 'function(el,x){ var slider = L.timelineSliderControl({ steps: 48, duration: 24000, showTicks: true, waitToUpdateMap: true, formatOutput: function(date){ return new Date(date).toLocaleTimeString("en-US", { hour12: false, second: undefined }); } }); HTMLWidgets.find("#cvstoptime").addControl(slider); var timeline = L.timeline(%s, { pointToLayer: function(data, latlng){ return L.circle(latlng, 200, { fillOpacity: 1, opacity: 1 }); } }); timeline.addTo(HTMLWidgets.find("#cvstoptime")); var ghostTimeline = L.timeline(%s, { pointToLayer: function(data, latlng){ return L.circle(latlng, 1, { fillOpacity: 0, opacity: 0 }); } }); ghostTimeline.addTo(HTMLWidgets.find("#cvstoptime")); slider.addTimelines(timeline, ghostTimeline); }', points_json, ghost_json )) ``` ### Sampled Tours ```{r Map_Commercial_Sample_Tours, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS} javascript <- 'function(el, x) { var basemaps = {};' map <- leaflet_custom(elementId = "cv_sampletours") %>% addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") %>% setView(-79.84229, 35.93984, 10) %>% addControl( '
Vehicle Service
', position = "bottomright" ) map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, list(htmlDependency( name = "leaflet-polylinedecorator", version = "1.1.0", src = c("file" = SYSTEM_TEMPLATES_PATH), script = "javascripts/leaflet.polylineDecorator.js" ))) for (industry in levels(RegionalFirms$Industry5)) { i <- 1 max <- 6 possible_businesses <- RegionalFirms[BusID %in% unique(cv_trips[, TourID, by = BusID])[, .N, by = BusID][N == max, BusID] & Industry5 == industry, BusID] while (TRUE) { business <- cv_trips[BusID == possible_businesses[i], ] if (uniqueN(business[, .(TripID, OTAZ, DTAZ)]) == nrow(business)) { break } i <- i + 1 if (i > length(possible_businesses)) { max <- max - 1 possible_businesses <- RegionalFirms[BusID %in% unique(cv_trips[, TourID, by = BusID])[, .N, by = BusID][N == max, BusID] & Industry5 == industry, BusID] i <- 1 } } pal <- colorFactor(palette = "Set1", levels = unique(business$TourID)) javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf('var lG_%s = L.layerGroup();', gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", industry))) for (tour in unique(business$TourID)) { coords <- coordinates(shp[shp@data$TAZ %in% business[TourID == tour, OTAZ], ]) coords <- rbind(coords, coords[1, c(1, 2)]) # This assumes that the tour is a closed walk (beginning and ending vertices are identical) coords[ , c(1,2)] <- coords[ , c(2,1)] javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'var pl_%s = L.polyline(%s, {opacity: 1, weight: 3, color: "%s"}); lG_%s.addLayer(pl_%s);', tour, toJSON(coords), pal(tour), gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", industry), tour )) for (i in 1:(nrow(coords) - 1)) { javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'var plDec_%s = L.polylineDecorator(%s, { patterns: [{offset: "100%%", repeat: 0, symbol: L.Symbol.arrowHead({pixelSize: 15, pathOptions: {fillOpacity: 1, weight: 0, color: "%s"}})}] }); lG_%s.addLayer(plDec_%s);', paste0(tour, i), toJSON(coords[i:(i + 1),c(1,2)]), pal(tour), gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", industry), paste0(tour, i) )) } } for (activity in unique(business$Activity)) { coords <- coordinates(shp[shp@data$TAZ %in% business[Activity == activity, DTAZ], ]) coords <- rbind(coords, coords[1, c(1, 2)]) coords[ , c(1,2)] <- coords[ , c(2,1)] for (i in 1:(nrow(coords) - 1)) { javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'var plDec_%s = L.polylineDecorator(%s, { patterns: [{offset: 0, repeat: 0, symbol: L.Symbol.marker({markerOptions: {icon: L.divIcon({className: "leaflet-div-icon-cv-%s"})}})}] }); lG_%s.addLayer(plDec_%s);', paste0(tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", activity)), i), toJSON(coords[i:(i + 1),c(1,2)]), tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", activity)), gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", industry), paste0(tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", activity)), i) )) } } javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'basemaps["%s"] = lG_%s;', industry, gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", industry) )) } javascript <- paste0(javascript, sprintf( 'lG_%s.addTo(HTMLWidgets.find("#%s")); L.control.layers(basemaps, {}).addTo(HTMLWidgets.find("#%s")); }', gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "_", levels(RegionalFirms$Industry5)[1]), "cv_sampletours", "cv_sampletours" )) map <- onRender(map, javascript) map ``` > Note: These are a sampling of tours of a single firm in the selected industry for illustrative purposes. ### Stops by Vehicle Type ```{r Map_Commercial_Stops_By_Vehicle, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS} k <- 25 map <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = cv_trips[Activity != "Return"], shp = shp, group = "Vehicle", scale.factor = k, TAZcol = "DTAZ") map ``` > Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level. ### Stops by Activity ```{r Map_Commercial_Stops_By_Activity, eval=USER_GENERATE_DASHBOARD_MAPS} k <- 25 map <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(map_type, group = "Background Map") map <- map %>% addTAZPoints(data = cv_trips[Activity != "Return"], shp = shp, group = "Activity", scale.factor = k, TAZcol = "DTAZ") map ``` > Note: Each data point represents `r comma(k)` stops and precise locations are illustrative as firms are only identified geographically at the TAZ-level. Calibration {data-navmenu="Commercial Vehicle Tours"} ============================================ Chart Column 1 -------------------------------------------- ### Firm-to-Stop Distance ```{r Calibration_Commercial_Firm-Stop_Distance} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[Scheduled == 1L & Activity != "Return", .(BusID, DTAZ)] dat[RegionalFirms, c("BusTAZ", "Industry") := .(i.TAZ, i.Industry5), on = "BusID", nomatch = 0] dat[skims[, .(BusTAZ = OTAZ, DTAZ, distance.avg)], Distance := i.distance.avg/100, on = c("BusTAZ", "DTAZ"), nomatch = 0] dat <- dat[, .(`Mean Distance` = mean(Distance), `Std. Dev.` = sd(Distance)), by = Industry] dat[, Industry := factor(as.character(Industry))] dat <- dat[order(Industry)] targets <- data.table(Industry = c("Industrial", "Retail", "Service", "Transportation Handling", "Wholesale"), `Target Distance` = c(7.0, 9.2, 6.3, 18.2, 16.2), `Target Std. Dev.` = c(8.7, 10.4, 8.1, 16.5, 14.2)) dat[targets, c("Target Distance", "Target Std. Dev.") := .(`i.Target Distance`, `i.Target Std. Dev.`), on = "Industry", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_Vehicle_Firm-Stop_Distance.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- rbind(dat[, .(Industry, variable = "Simulated", `Mean Distance`, `Std. Dev.`)], dat[, .(Industry, variable = "Target", `Mean Distance` = `Target Distance`, `Std. Dev.` = `Target Std. Dev.`)]) p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = Industry, y = `Mean Distance`, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = `Mean Distance` + `Std. Dev.`, ymin = `Mean Distance` - `Std. Dev.`), position = "dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + theme_db + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1), legend.title = element_blank()) ggplotly(p) ``` > Note: Bar whiskers represent one standard deviation. ### Scheduled Stops per Tour ```{r Calibration_Commercial_Stops_Per_Tour} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[Scheduled == 1L, .(BusID, TourID, TripID)] dat[RegionalFirms, Industry := i.Industry5, on = "BusID", nomatch = 0] dat <- dat[, .N, by = .(TourID, Industry)][, .(`Simulated` = mean(N)), by = Industry][order(as.character(Industry))] targets <- data.table(Industry = c("Industrial", "Retail", "Service", "Transportation Handling", "Wholesale"), Target = c(2.0, 2.5, 2.9, 2.7, 8.6)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Industry", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_ScheduledStops_per_Tour.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Industry", value.name = "Scheduled Stops/Tour") p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Industry", yvar = "Scheduled Stops/Tour", fill = "variable", position = "dodge", xrotate = TRUE, legend_label = FALSE) p ``` ### Single-Stop Tours ```{r Calibration_Commercial_Single_Stop_Tours} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[Activity != "Return", .(BusID, TourID, TripID, Scheduled)] dat[RegionalFirms, Industry := i.Industry5, on = "BusID", nomatch = 0] dat <- dat[, .(N = sum(Scheduled)), by = .(TourID, Industry)][, .(`Simulated` = sum(N==1L)/.N), by = Industry][order(as.character(Industry))] targets <- data.table(Industry = c("Industrial", "Retail", "Service", "Transportation Handling", "Wholesale"), Target = c(0.541, 0.394, 0.498, 0.715, 0.203)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Industry", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_Single_Stop_Tour_Shares.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Industry", value.name = "Share") p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Industry", yvar = "Share", fill = "variable", position = "dodge", xrotate = TRUE, legend_label = FALSE) p ``` Chart Column 2 {.tabset} -------------------------------------------- ### Vehicle Shares (Simulated) ```{r Calibration_Commercial_Vehicle_Shares1} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .N, by = .(BusID, Vehicle)] dat[RegionalFirms, Industry := i.Industry10, on = "BusID", nomatch = 0] dat <- dat[, .(N = sum(N)), by = .(Industry, Vehicle)][order(Industry, Vehicle)] dat[, Simulated := N/sum(N), by = Industry] Industry10 <- c("Agriculture", "Construction", "Government", "Health", "Hotel & Real Estate", "Manufacturing", "Other Services", "Retail", "Transportation Handling", "Wholesale") Vehicles <- c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy") targets <- data.table(Industry = rep(Industry10, each = length(Vehicles)), Vehicle = rep(c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), times = length(Industry10)), Share = c(0.40, 0.52, 0.08, 0.71, 0.22, 0.07, 0.90, 0.07, 0.03, 0.96, 0.04, 0.00, 0.93, 0.07, 0.00, 0.36, 0.35, 0.29, 0.89, 0.09, 0.02, 0.68, 0.21, 0.11, 0.04, 0.22, 0.74, 0.29, 0.46, 0.25)) targets[, Vehicle := factor(Vehicle, levels = Vehicles, ordered = TRUE)] dat[targets, Target := i.Share, on = c("Industry", "Vehicle"), nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_Vehicle_Shares.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Industry", yvar = "Simulated", fill = "Vehicle", coord_flip = TRUE, ylabel = "Share") p ``` ### Vehicle Shares (Target) ```{r Calibration_Commercial_Vehicle_Shares2} # Plot p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Industry", yvar = "Target", fill = "Vehicle", coord_flip = TRUE, ylabel = "Share") p ``` Chart Column 3 -------------------------------------------- ### First Stop Arrival Time ```{r Calibration_Commercial_First_Stop_Arrival_Time} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[TripID == 1L, .(TourID, MAMArrive)] dat[, `Arrival Time` := cut(MAMArrive, breaks = tod_breaks30, labels = tod_labels30, ordered_result = TRUE, right = FALSE)] dat <- dat[, .N, by = `Arrival Time`][order(`Arrival Time`), .(`Arrival Time`, Share = N/sum(N))] targets <- data.table(`Arrival Time` = tod_labels30, Share = c(0.0039, 0.0010, 0.0009, 0.0007, 0.0005, 0.0013, 0.0010, 0.0031, 0.0010, 0.0013, 0.0030, 0.0023, 0.0037, 0.0109, 0.0359, 0.0539, 0.0651, 0.0754, 0.0783, 0.0723, 0.0839, 0.0611, 0.0372, 0.0444, 0.0445, 0.0375, 0.0442, 0.0367, 0.0337, 0.0437, 0.0208, 0.0155, 0.0236, 0.0104, 0.0116, 0.0089, 0.0044, 0.0006, 0.0043, 0.0034, 0.0015, 0.0007, 0.0045, 0.0014, 0.0018, 0.0004, 0.0005, 0.0033)) dat[targets, Target := i.Share, on = "Arrival Time", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_Vehicle_Arrival_Time_Shares.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Arrival Time") p <- bar_plotter(dat, xvar = "Arrival Time", yvar = "value", fill = "variable", position = "dodge", coord_flip = TRUE, legend_label = FALSE) p ``` Chart Column 4 -------------------------------------------- ### Intermediate Stops per Scheduled Stop ```{r Calibration_Commercial_Intermediate_Per_Scheduled_Stop} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .(Simulated = sum(Scheduled == 0L)/(sum(Scheduled == 1L) - 1L)), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.094, 0.067, 0.040)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_IntermediateStops_per_ScheduledStop.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Intermediate Stops/Scheduled Stop") p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = Vehicle, y = `Intermediate Stops/Scheduled Stop`, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + theme_db + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) ggplotly(p) ``` ### Meal or Break Stops per 8 Hours ```{r Calibration_Commercial_MealBreak_Stops_Per_8Hours} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .(Simulated = sum(Activity == "Break/Meal")/(sum(TravelTime + StopDuration)/(8*60))), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.219, 0.290, 0.229)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_MealBreak_Stops_per_8Hours.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Meal or Break Stops/8 Hours") p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = Vehicle, y = `Meal or Break Stops/8 Hours`, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + theme_db + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) ggplotly(p) ``` ### Refueling Stops per 100 miles ```{r Calibration_Commercial_Refueling_Stops_Per_100Miles} # Organize dat <- cv_trips[, .(Simulated = sum(Activity == "Vehicle Service")/(sum(Distance)/100)), by = Vehicle][order(Vehicle)] targets <- data.table(Vehicle = c("Light", "Medium", "Heavy"), Target = c(0.205, 0.191, 0.100)) dat[targets, Target := i.Target, on = "Vehicle", nomatch = 0] # Save write.csv(dat, file = file.path(SCENARIO_OUTPUT_PATH, "Commercial_Refueling_Stops_per_100Miles.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Plot dat <- melt(dat, id.vars = "Vehicle", value.name = "Refueling Stops/100 Miles") p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = Vehicle, y = `Refueling Stops/100 Miles`, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) + theme_db + theme(legend.title=element_blank()) ggplotly(p) ```