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This project uses a feature-branch naming convention and workflow. main is the main branch (not master), base your work off of main. Contribute to the project by making changes to your own feature branch and issuing pull-requests when you’re ready to integrate into the main branch.

Create a feature branch

Pull the main branch; git pull, and if necessary git checkout main to switch to main

Create a feature branch and check out your branch, e.g., git checkout -b crosstab-performance * You can use your initials to prefix a feature branch, e.g., aa-crosstab-performance.

Your feature branch should do one thing only

For example:

Save and share your work

Commit changes related to your feature and push them to GitHub.

Push changes to your feature branch at any time.

Create a pull request on GitHub When you’re ready to have your work reviewed. You can submit a PR before you are done, if you want guidance on your work-in-progress.

Make changes or respond to comments in your pull-request reviews. New commits pushed to your branch will update the pull-request.

Keep it clean

When your pull request is approved the approver will merge your branch into main and may delete your branch from GitHub.

To remove deleted feature branches from your local copy of the repository run git remote prune origin.

Do not attempt to push additional commits to a merged pull-request. Instead, start a new feature branch and issue a new pull request.

Remember to update and branch off of main whenever you start a new feature, e.g., git checkout main; git pull origin main; git checkout -b a-new-feature.