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Bin numeric variables


hts_bin_var(prepped_dt, numvar, nbins = 7)



Dataset containing variable to bin in data.table format


Name of the numeric variable to bin


Number of bins for variable. Defaults to 7.


Inputted dataset with the specified variable binned in data.table format.


#> Loading required package: data.table
#> Loading required package: stringr
hts_bin_var(prepped_dt = trip, numvar = "speed_mph")
#>        day_id trip_id distance_miles mode_type mode_1 mode_2 num_travelers
#>     1:      1    6848     0.07736261         8      6    995             1
#>     2:      1    6099     0.31691692         8     34    995             2
#>     3:      1   15759     0.16244826         1      1    995             1
#>     4:      1   13883    10.72894403        13      2     23             1
#>     5:      1    9240     0.47308002         2      2    995             1
#>    ---                                                                    
#> 15870:   4125    4505     3.23577517         8      6    995             1
#> 15871:   4125    7897    22.65734754         8      6    995             1
#> 15872:   4125     719     7.77203953         1      1    995             1
#> 15873:   4125   14260     1.76325532         8      7    995             1
#> 15874:   4125    4397     1.42201419         8     34    995             2
#>        d_purpose_category hh_id person_id travel_date trip_weight speed_mph
#>     1:                  7   642       820  2023-05-28         957 1 or less
#>     2:                  7   642       820  2023-05-28         237      1-23
#>     3:                  9   642       820  2023-05-28         287      1-23
#>     4:                 11   642       820  2023-05-28         361      1-23
#>     5:                  1   642       820  2023-05-28         578      1-23
#>    ---                                                                     
#> 15870:                 12   876      1684  2023-05-30         999      1-23
#> 15871:                  2   876      1684  2023-05-30         167     23-45
#> 15872:                 12   876      1684  2023-05-30         954      1-23
#> 15873:                  2   876      1684  2023-05-30         841      1-23
#> 15874:                  7   876      1684  2023-05-30         977      1-23