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Make household travel survey summaries-- runs hts_prep_variable and hts_summary


  summarize_var = NULL,
  summarize_by = NULL,
  variables_dt = variable_list,
  vals_df = value_labels,
  data = list(hh = hh, person = person, day = day, trip = trip, vehicle = vehicle),
  id_cols = c("hh_id", "person_id", "day_id", "trip_id", "vehicle_id"),
  weighted = TRUE,
  wt_cols = c("hh_weight", "person_weight", "day_weight", "trip_weight", "hh_weight"),
  trip_name = "trip",
  day_name = "day",
  strataname = NULL,
  se = FALSE,
  checkbox_valname = "value",
  checkbox_yesval = 1,
  value_label_colname = "label",
  remove_outliers = TRUE,
  threshold = 0.975,
  remove_missing = TRUE,
  not_imputable = -1,
  missing_values = c("Missing Response", "995")



Name of the variable to summarize. Default is NULL


Name of the variable to summarize the summarize_var by. Default is NULL.


List of variable locations and descriptions in data.table format.


A dataframe of variable labels (i.e., factor levels and labels) with the format as specified below. Passed to factorize_column function.


List of household, person, vehicle, day, and trip tables in data.table format.


name of unique identifier for each table in hts_data


Whether the data is weighted. Default is TRUE.


weight name for each table in hts_data


Name of the trip dataset in hts_data.


Name of the day dataset in hts_data.


Name of strata name to bring in. Default is NULL.


Whether to calculate standard error. Default is FALSE. Will be set to FALSE if weighted is FALSE.


Name of the column with the checkbox value. Default is 'value'. Must be provided if summarize_var is a checkbox variable.


Value of checkbox_valname that indicates it was selected. Default is 1. Must be provided if summarize_var is a checkbox variable.


The name of the value label column in vals_df. Default is 'value_label'


Whether to remove outliers for numeric variable. Default is TRUE.


Threshold to define outliers. Default is 0.975.


Whether to remove missing values from the summary. Default is TRUE.


Value representing 'Not imputable' to remove. Default is -1.


Missing values to remove. Default is 995.


A list containing (if applicable) categorical and numeric summaries of the specified variable(s), as well as sample sizes and whether or not the summarized variable is a shared checkbox variable. To access the categorical/numeric df use output$summary. To access the weighted df use output$summary$wtd, and output$summary$unwtd for the unweighted df. To access the weight name use output$summary$weight_name. To access sample sizes use output$n_ls. To access weighted and unweighted sample sizes respectively, use output$n_ls$wtd and output$n_ls$unwtd.


summarize_var = 'employment',
summarize_by = 'income_detailed')
#> $cat
#> $cat$n_ls
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique hh_id`
#> [1] 843
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique person_id`
#> [1] 1770
#> $cat$n_ls$wtd
#> Sum of person_weight 
#>               902225 
#> $cat$summary
#> $cat$summary$unwtd
#>          income_detailed
#>  1:        Under $10,000
#>  2:        Under $10,000
#>  3:        Under $10,000
#>  4:        Under $10,000
#>  5:        Under $10,000
#>  6:      $10,000-$24,999
#>  7:      $10,000-$24,999
#>  8:      $10,000-$24,999
#>  9:      $10,000-$24,999
#> 10:      $10,000-$24,999
#> 11:      $10,000-$24,999
#> 12:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 13:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 14:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 15:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 16:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 17:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 18:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 19:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 20:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 21:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 22:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 23:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 24:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 25:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 26:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 27:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 28:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 29:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 30:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 31:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 32:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 33:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 34:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 35:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 36:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 37:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 38:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 39:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 40:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 41:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 42:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 43:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 44:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 45:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 46:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 47:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 48:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 49:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 50:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 51:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 52:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 53:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 54:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 55:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 56:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 57:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 58:     $250,000 or more
#> 59:     $250,000 or more
#> 60:     $250,000 or more
#> 61:     $250,000 or more
#> 62:     $250,000 or more
#> 63:     $250,000 or more
#> 64:     $250,000 or more
#> 65: Prefer not to answer
#> 66: Prefer not to answer
#> 67: Prefer not to answer
#> 68: Prefer not to answer
#> 69: Prefer not to answer
#> 70: Prefer not to answer
#> 71: Prefer not to answer
#>          income_detailed
#>                                                                              employment
#>  1:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>  2:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#>  3:                                                                       Self-employed
#>  4: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#>  5:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#>  6:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>  7:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#>  8:                                                                       Self-employed
#>  9: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 10:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 11:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 12:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 13:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 14:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 15: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 16:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 17:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 18:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 19:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 20:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 21: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 22:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 23:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 24:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 25:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 26:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 27:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 28: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 29:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 30:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 31:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 32:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 33:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 34: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 35:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 36:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 37:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 38:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 39:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 40:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 41: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 42:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 43:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 44:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 45:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 46:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 47:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 48: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 49:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 50:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 51:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 52:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 53:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 54: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 55:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 56:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 57:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 58:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 59:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 60:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 61: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 62:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 63:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 64:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 65:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 66:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 67:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 68: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 69:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 70:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 71:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#>                                                                              employment
#>     count        prop
#>  1:    35 0.593220339
#>  2:     2 0.033898305
#>  3:     8 0.135593220
#>  4:    11 0.186440678
#>  5:     3 0.050847458
#>  6:    54 0.529411765
#>  7:    11 0.107843137
#>  8:     6 0.058823529
#>  9:    22 0.215686275
#> 10:     6 0.058823529
#> 11:     3 0.029411765
#> 12:    40 0.487804878
#> 13:     7 0.085365854
#> 14:     5 0.060975610
#> 15:    28 0.341463415
#> 16:     1 0.012195122
#> 17:     1 0.012195122
#> 18:    46 0.464646465
#> 19:     7 0.070707071
#> 20:     6 0.060606061
#> 21:    35 0.353535354
#> 22:     3 0.030303030
#> 23:     1 0.010101010
#> 24:     1 0.010101010
#> 25:   121 0.523809524
#> 26:    21 0.090909091
#> 27:     8 0.034632035
#> 28:    68 0.294372294
#> 29:    12 0.051948052
#> 30:     1 0.004329004
#> 31:    85 0.442708333
#> 32:    21 0.109375000
#> 33:    13 0.067708333
#> 34:    58 0.302083333
#> 35:    11 0.057291667
#> 36:     2 0.010416667
#> 37:     2 0.010416667
#> 38:   153 0.506622517
#> 39:    28 0.092715232
#> 40:    20 0.066225166
#> 41:    80 0.264900662
#> 42:    15 0.049668874
#> 43:     4 0.013245033
#> 44:     2 0.006622517
#> 45:    95 0.536723164
#> 46:    21 0.118644068
#> 47:    12 0.067796610
#> 48:    42 0.237288136
#> 49:     6 0.033898305
#> 50:     1 0.005649718
#> 51:    66 0.507692308
#> 52:     8 0.061538462
#> 53:     7 0.053846154
#> 54:    38 0.292307692
#> 55:     8 0.061538462
#> 56:     2 0.015384615
#> 57:     1 0.007692308
#> 58:    81 0.500000000
#> 59:     8 0.049382716
#> 60:    11 0.067901235
#> 61:    50 0.308641975
#> 62:     8 0.049382716
#> 63:     3 0.018518519
#> 64:     1 0.006172840
#> 65:   121 0.517094017
#> 66:    17 0.072649573
#> 67:    14 0.059829060
#> 68:    69 0.294871795
#> 69:     8 0.034188034
#> 70:     2 0.008547009
#> 71:     3 0.012820513
#>     count        prop
#> $cat$summary$wtd
#>          income_detailed
#>  1:        Under $10,000
#>  2:        Under $10,000
#>  3:        Under $10,000
#>  4:        Under $10,000
#>  5:        Under $10,000
#>  6:      $10,000-$24,999
#>  7:      $10,000-$24,999
#>  8:      $10,000-$24,999
#>  9:      $10,000-$24,999
#> 10:      $10,000-$24,999
#> 11:      $10,000-$24,999
#> 12:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 13:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 14:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 15:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 16:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 17:      $25,000-$34,999
#> 18:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 19:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 20:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 21:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 22:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 23:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 24:      $35,000-$49,999
#> 25:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 26:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 27:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 28:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 29:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 30:      $50,000-$74,999
#> 31:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 32:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 33:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 34:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 35:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 36:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 37:      $75,000-$99,999
#> 38:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 39:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 40:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 41:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 42:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 43:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 44:    $100,000-$149,999
#> 45:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 46:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 47:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 48:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 49:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 50:    $150,000-$199,999
#> 51:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 52:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 53:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 54:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 55:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 56:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 57:    $200,000-$249,999
#> 58:     $250,000 or more
#> 59:     $250,000 or more
#> 60:     $250,000 or more
#> 61:     $250,000 or more
#> 62:     $250,000 or more
#> 63:     $250,000 or more
#> 64:     $250,000 or more
#> 65: Prefer not to answer
#> 66: Prefer not to answer
#> 67: Prefer not to answer
#> 68: Prefer not to answer
#> 69: Prefer not to answer
#> 70: Prefer not to answer
#> 71: Prefer not to answer
#>          income_detailed
#>                                                                              employment
#>  1:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>  2:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#>  3:                                                                       Self-employed
#>  4: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#>  5:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#>  6:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>  7:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#>  8:                                                                       Self-employed
#>  9: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 10:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 11:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 12:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 13:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 14:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 15: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 16:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 17:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 18:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 19:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 20:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 21: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 22:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 23:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 24:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 25:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 26:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 27:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 28: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 29:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 30:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 31:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 32:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 33:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 34: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 35:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 36:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 37:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 38:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 39:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 40:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 41: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 42:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 43:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 44:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 45:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 46:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 47:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 48: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 49:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 50:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 51:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 52:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 53:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 54: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 55:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 56:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 57:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 58:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 59:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 60:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 61: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 62:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 63:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 64:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#> 65:                                           Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#> 66:                                 Employed part-time (fewer than 35 hours/week, paid)
#> 67:                                                                       Self-employed
#> 68: Not employed and not looking for work (e.g., retired, stay-at-home parent, student)
#> 69:                                                     Unemployed and looking for work
#> 70:                                                          Unpaid volunteer or intern
#> 71:               Employed, but not currently working (e.g., on leave, furloughed 100%)
#>                                                                              employment
#>     count        prop   est
#>  1:    35 0.594403345 16632
#>  2:     2 0.018047961   505
#>  3:     8 0.153103892  4284
#>  4:    11 0.187698796  5252
#>  5:     3 0.046746006  1308
#>  6:    54 0.536837376 27485
#>  7:    11 0.120004688  6144
#>  8:     6 0.063986874  3276
#>  9:    22 0.193972421  9931
#> 10:     6 0.057033478  2920
#> 11:     3 0.028165163  1442
#> 12:    40 0.506029839 21232
#> 13:     7 0.087396921  3667
#> 14:     5 0.060012393  2518
#> 15:    28 0.335120835 14061
#> 16:     1 0.001001001    42
#> 17:     1 0.010439010   438
#> 18:    46 0.510216731 25519
#> 19:     7 0.056641875  2833
#> 20:     6 0.066958573  3349
#> 21:    35 0.288747601 14442
#> 22:     3 0.053722809  2687
#> 23:     1 0.017654351   883
#> 24:     1 0.006058061   303
#> 25:   121 0.510996349 60457
#> 26:    21 0.096938603 11469
#> 27:     8 0.040621408  4806
#> 28:    68 0.302851782 35831
#> 29:    12 0.043748732  5176
#> 30:     1 0.004843127   573
#> 31:    85 0.446295073 46624
#> 32:    21 0.095904048 10019
#> 33:    13 0.056466512  5899
#> 34:    58 0.325876576 34044
#> 35:    11 0.059577482  6224
#> 36:     2 0.010874039  1136
#> 37:     2 0.005006270   523
#> 38:   153 0.508655852 76570
#> 39:    28 0.107577026 16194
#> 40:    20 0.061208763  9214
#> 41:    80 0.247020607 37185
#> 42:    15 0.052101186  7843
#> 43:     4 0.018122152  2728
#> 44:     2 0.005314414   800
#> 45:    95 0.509502642 44931
#> 46:    21 0.110607126  9754
#> 47:    12 0.087134012  7684
#> 48:    42 0.256514640 22621
#> 49:     6 0.026750278  2359
#> 50:     1 0.009491302   837
#> 51:    66 0.498546078 31718
#> 52:     8 0.058832775  3743
#> 53:     7 0.038430707  2445
#> 54:    38 0.304616400 19380
#> 55:     8 0.069379607  4414
#> 56:     2 0.014680687   934
#> 57:     1 0.015513745   987
#> 58:    81 0.506568977 42452
#> 59:     8 0.050523251  4234
#> 60:    11 0.089507536  7501
#> 61:    50 0.267961767 22456
#> 62:     8 0.059019367  4946
#> 63:     3 0.019462310  1631
#> 64:     1 0.006956792   583
#> 65:   121 0.475009620 58021
#> 66:    17 0.088311625 10787
#> 67:    14 0.077938877  9520
#> 68:    69 0.279106323 34092
#> 69:     8 0.048032289  5867
#> 70:     2 0.009783294  1195
#> 71:     3 0.021817973  2665
#>     count        prop   est
#> $cat$summary$weight_name
#> [1] "person_weight"
#> $cat$summarize_var
#> [1] "employment"
#> $cat$summarize_by
#> [1] "income_detailed"
#> $num

summarize_var = 'race',
summarize_by = c('age', 'employment')
#> $cat
#> $cat$n_ls
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique hh_id`
#> [1] 843
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique person_id`
#> [1] 1770
#> $cat$n_ls$wtd
#> Sum of person_weight 
#>              6315575 
#> $cat$summary
#> $cat$summary$unwtd
#>              age                                employment
#>   1:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   2:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   3:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   4:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   5:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>  ---                                                      
#> 427: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 428: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 429: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 430: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 431: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#>                                           race count      prop
#>   1:                 African American or Black    19 0.2794118
#>   2:          American Indian or Alaska Native    18 0.2647059
#>   3:                                     Asian    21 0.3088235
#>   4: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander    20 0.2941176
#>   5:                                     White    19 0.2794118
#>  ---                                                          
#> 427:          American Indian or Alaska Native     2 0.2857143
#> 428:                                     Asian     2 0.2857143
#> 429: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander     2 0.2857143
#> 430:                                     White     2 0.2857143
#> 431:                      Prefer not to answer     3 0.4285714
#> $cat$summary$wtd
#>              age                                employment
#>   1:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   2:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   3:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   4:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>   5:     Under 5 Employed full-time (35+ hours/week, paid)
#>  ---                                                      
#> 427: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 428: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 429: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 430: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#> 431: 85 or older           Unemployed and looking for work
#>                                           race count      prop  est wtd_group_n
#>   1:                 African American or Black    19 0.2678266 9390       35060
#>   2:          American Indian or Alaska Native    18 0.2697946 9459       35060
#>   3:                                     Asian    21 0.2495722 8750       35060
#>   4: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander    20 0.2790645 9784       35060
#>   5:                                     White    19 0.2383058 8355       35060
#>  ---                                                                           
#> 427:          American Indian or Alaska Native     2 0.2094723  774        3695
#> 428:                                     Asian     2 0.2094723  774        3695
#> 429: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander     2 0.3161028 1168        3695
#> 430:                      Prefer not to answer     3 0.5412720 2000        3695
#> 431:                                     White     2 0.3918809 1448        3695
#> $cat$summary$weight_name
#> [1] "person_weight"
#> $cat$summarize_var
#> [1] "race"
#> $cat$summarize_by
#> [1] "age"        "employment"
#> $num

summarize_var = 'num_trips',
summarize_by = 'age')
#> Warning: 104 outliers were removed based on the threshold of 0.975.
#> $cat
#> $cat$n_ls
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique hh_id`
#> [1] 821
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique person_id`
#> [1] 1743
#> $cat$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique day_id`
#> [1] 4021
#> $cat$n_ls$wtd
#> Sum of day_weight 
#>           2073324 
#> $cat$summary
#> $cat$summary$unwtd
#>             age  num_trips count        prop
#>  1:     Under 5  Exactly 0     9 0.024861878
#>  2:     Under 5        0-7   256 0.707182320
#>  3:     Under 5       7-14    55 0.151933702
#>  4:     Under 5      14-21    16 0.044198895
#>  5:     Under 5      21-28    14 0.038674033
#>  6:     Under 5      28-34     2 0.005524862
#>  7:     Under 5 34 or more    10 0.027624309
#>  8:        5-11  Exactly 0     4 0.013698630
#>  9:        5-11        0-7   216 0.739726027
#> 10:        5-11       7-14    40 0.136986301
#> 11:        5-11      14-21    15 0.051369863
#> 12:        5-11      21-28     7 0.023972603
#> 13:        5-11      28-34     1 0.003424658
#> 14:        5-11 34 or more     9 0.030821918
#> 15:       12-15  Exactly 0     6 0.019672131
#> 16:       12-15        0-7   227 0.744262295
#> 17:       12-15       7-14    42 0.137704918
#> 18:       12-15      14-21    14 0.045901639
#> 19:       12-15      21-28     6 0.019672131
#> 20:       12-15      28-34     4 0.013114754
#> 21:       12-15 34 or more     6 0.019672131
#> 22:       16-17  Exactly 0     9 0.025069638
#> 23:       16-17        0-7   258 0.718662953
#> 24:       16-17       7-14    42 0.116991643
#> 25:       16-17      14-21    16 0.044568245
#> 26:       16-17      21-28    15 0.041782730
#> 27:       16-17      28-34     7 0.019498607
#> 28:       16-17 34 or more    12 0.033426184
#> 29:       18-24  Exactly 0     5 0.014084507
#> 30:       18-24        0-7   262 0.738028169
#> 31:       18-24       7-14    47 0.132394366
#> 32:       18-24      14-21    21 0.059154930
#> 33:       18-24      21-28     8 0.022535211
#> 34:       18-24      28-34     6 0.016901408
#> 35:       18-24 34 or more     6 0.016901408
#> 36:       25-34  Exactly 0     9 0.026011561
#> 37:       25-34        0-7   248 0.716763006
#> 38:       25-34       7-14    50 0.144508671
#> 39:       25-34      14-21    17 0.049132948
#> 40:       25-34      21-28     7 0.020231214
#> 41:       25-34      28-34     5 0.014450867
#> 42:       25-34 34 or more    10 0.028901734
#> 43:       35-44  Exactly 0     3 0.008645533
#> 44:       35-44        0-7   247 0.711815562
#> 45:       35-44       7-14    54 0.155619597
#> 46:       35-44      14-21    21 0.060518732
#> 47:       35-44      21-28     9 0.025936599
#> 48:       35-44      28-34     3 0.008645533
#> 49:       35-44 34 or more    10 0.028818444
#> 50:       45-54  Exactly 0     3 0.009375000
#> 51:       45-54        0-7   242 0.756250000
#> 52:       45-54       7-14    42 0.131250000
#> 53:       45-54      14-21    14 0.043750000
#> 54:       45-54      21-28    10 0.031250000
#> 55:       45-54      28-34     4 0.012500000
#> 56:       45-54 34 or more     5 0.015625000
#> 57:       55-64  Exactly 0     7 0.021943574
#> 58:       55-64        0-7   250 0.783699060
#> 59:       55-64       7-14    33 0.103448276
#> 60:       55-64      14-21     9 0.028213166
#> 61:       55-64      21-28    11 0.034482759
#> 62:       55-64      28-34     2 0.006269592
#> 63:       55-64 34 or more     7 0.021943574
#> 64:       65-74  Exactly 0     8 0.026143791
#> 65:       65-74        0-7   198 0.647058824
#> 66:       65-74       7-14    62 0.202614379
#> 67:       65-74      14-21    19 0.062091503
#> 68:       65-74      21-28     5 0.016339869
#> 69:       65-74      28-34     4 0.013071895
#> 70:       65-74 34 or more    10 0.032679739
#> 71:       75-84  Exactly 0     8 0.022408964
#> 72:       75-84        0-7   259 0.725490196
#> 73:       75-84       7-14    54 0.151260504
#> 74:       75-84      14-21    14 0.039215686
#> 75:       75-84      21-28     9 0.025210084
#> 76:       75-84      28-34     4 0.011204482
#> 77:       75-84 34 or more     9 0.025210084
#> 78: 85 or older  Exactly 0     8 0.022662890
#> 79: 85 or older        0-7   263 0.745042493
#> 80: 85 or older       7-14    42 0.118980170
#> 81: 85 or older      14-21    17 0.048158640
#> 82: 85 or older      21-28     9 0.025495751
#> 83: 85 or older      28-34     8 0.022662890
#> 84: 85 or older 34 or more     6 0.016997167
#>             age  num_trips count        prop
#> $cat$summary$wtd
#>             age  num_trips count         prop    est
#>  1:     Under 5  Exactly 0     9 0.0211505146   3919
#>  2:     Under 5        0-7   256 0.8744191569 162022
#>  3:     Under 5       7-14    55 0.0809159646  14993
#>  4:     Under 5      14-21    16 0.0120944892   2241
#>  5:     Under 5      21-28    14 0.0074315536   1377
#>  6:     Under 5      28-34     2 0.0008635066    160
#>  7:     Under 5 34 or more    10 0.0031248145    579
#>  8:        5-11  Exactly 0     4 0.0133856015   2059
#>  9:        5-11        0-7   216 0.8930647112 137373
#> 10:        5-11       7-14    40 0.0704060538  10830
#> 11:        5-11      14-21    15 0.0139706934   2149
#> 12:        5-11      21-28     7 0.0057404012    883
#> 13:        5-11      28-34     1 0.0007801225    120
#> 14:        5-11 34 or more     9 0.0026524164    408
#> 15:       12-15  Exactly 0     6 0.0183727687   2953
#> 16:       12-15        0-7   227 0.8846677907 142190
#> 17:       12-15       7-14    42 0.0767885918  12342
#> 18:       12-15      14-21    14 0.0136878060   2200
#> 19:       12-15      21-28     6 0.0029366566    472
#> 20:       12-15      28-34     4 0.0015367673    247
#> 21:       12-15 34 or more     6 0.0020096188    323
#> 22:       16-17  Exactly 0     9 0.0226963834   4108
#> 23:       16-17        0-7   258 0.8880650615 160738
#> 24:       16-17       7-14    42 0.0625918518  11329
#> 25:       16-17      14-21    16 0.0122984784   2226
#> 26:       16-17      21-28    15 0.0087570028   1585
#> 27:       16-17      28-34     7 0.0026740627    484
#> 28:       16-17 34 or more    12 0.0029171593    528
#> 29:       18-24  Exactly 0     5 0.0140183641   2600
#> 30:       18-24        0-7   262 0.8924252309 165519
#> 31:       18-24       7-14    47 0.0663661705  12309
#> 32:       18-24      14-21    21 0.0172695462   3203
#> 33:       18-24      21-28     8 0.0054402036   1009
#> 34:       18-24      28-34     6 0.0029546398    548
#> 35:       18-24 34 or more     6 0.0015258450    283
#> 36:       25-34  Exactly 0     9 0.0264441887   4596
#> 37:       25-34        0-7   248 0.8746720368 152018
#> 38:       25-34       7-14    50 0.0776179517  13490
#> 39:       25-34      14-21    17 0.0121691600   2115
#> 40:       25-34      21-28     7 0.0040103567    697
#> 41:       25-34      28-34     5 0.0021231300    369
#> 42:       25-34 34 or more    10 0.0029631761    515
#> 43:       35-44  Exactly 0     3 0.0077003501   1311
#> 44:       35-44        0-7   247 0.8723715434 148523
#> 45:       35-44       7-14    54 0.0890209807  15156
#> 46:       35-44      14-21    21 0.0206869817   3522
#> 47:       35-44      21-28     9 0.0054331227    925
#> 48:       35-44      28-34     3 0.0014507906    247
#> 49:       35-44 34 or more    10 0.0033362310    568
#> 50:       45-54  Exactly 0     3 0.0062074466   1043
#> 51:       45-54        0-7   242 0.8991632148 151081
#> 52:       45-54       7-14    42 0.0713826596  11994
#> 53:       45-54      14-21    14 0.0135516355   2277
#> 54:       45-54      21-28    10 0.0065109746   1094
#> 55:       45-54      28-34     4 0.0016307194    274
#> 56:       45-54 34 or more     5 0.0015533495    261
#> 57:       55-64  Exactly 0     7 0.0211599023   3588
#> 58:       55-64        0-7   250 0.9094924690 154219
#> 59:       55-64       7-14    33 0.0490428506   8316
#> 60:       55-64      14-21     9 0.0093179057   1580
#> 61:       55-64      21-28    11 0.0073481712   1246
#> 62:       55-64      28-34     2 0.0010910206    185
#> 63:       55-64 34 or more     7 0.0025476805    432
#> 64:       65-74  Exactly 0     8 0.0249656885   3820
#> 65:       65-74        0-7   198 0.8311090778 127168
#> 66:       65-74       7-14    62 0.1171622770  17927
#> 67:       65-74      14-21    19 0.0173191295   2650
#> 68:       65-74      21-28     5 0.0033723286    516
#> 69:       65-74      28-34     4 0.0022874322    350
#> 70:       65-74 34 or more    10 0.0037840664    579
#> 71:       75-84  Exactly 0     8 0.0224890591   4111
#> 72:       75-84        0-7   259 0.8701641138 159066
#> 73:       75-84       7-14    54 0.0853391685  15600
#> 74:       75-84      14-21    14 0.0099343545   1816
#> 75:       75-84      21-28     9 0.0061652079   1127
#> 76:       75-84      28-34     4 0.0029102845    532
#> 77:       75-84 34 or more     9 0.0029978118    548
#> 78: 85 or older  Exactly 0     8 0.0274262382   5199
#> 79: 85 or older        0-7   263 0.8830520724 167394
#> 80: 85 or older       7-14    42 0.0637993701  12094
#> 81: 85 or older      14-21    17 0.0152455912   2890
#> 82: 85 or older      21-28     9 0.0048901948    927
#> 83: 85 or older      28-34     8 0.0032601299    618
#> 84: 85 or older 34 or more     6 0.0023264034    441
#>             age  num_trips count         prop    est
#> $cat$summary$weight_name
#> [1] "day_weight"
#> $cat$summarize_var
#> [1] "num_trips"
#> $cat$summarize_by
#> [1] "age"
#> $num
#> $num$n_ls
#> $num$n_ls$unwtd
#> $num$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique hh_id`
#> [1] 821
#> $num$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique person_id`
#> [1] 1743
#> $num$n_ls$unwtd$`Count of unique day_id`
#> [1] 4021
#> $num$n_ls$wtd
#> Sum of day_weight 
#>           2073324 
#> $num$summary
#> $num$summary$unwtd
#>             age count min      max     mean   median
#>  1:     Under 5   362   0 60.77358 6.678020 3.638851
#>  2:        5-11   292   0 64.44681 6.453618 3.330964
#>  3:       12-15   305   0 66.08108 6.395317 3.691882
#>  4:       16-17   359   0 66.63636 7.308847 3.585366
#>  5:       18-24   355   0 57.37500 6.459746 3.636804
#>  6:       25-34   346   0 63.02941 6.829649 3.612824
#>  7:       35-44   347   0 62.41860 7.102319 3.927928
#>  8:       45-54   320   0 63.39535 6.192273 3.628440
#>  9:       55-64   319   0 63.17778 5.967302 3.305263
#> 10:       65-74   306   0 66.57407 7.516483 4.428346
#> 11:       75-84   357   0 63.66667 6.557999 3.678182
#> 12: 85 or older   353   0 49.28947 6.107548 3.211509
#> $num$summary$wtd
#>             age count min      max     mean   median
#>  1:     Under 5   362   0 60.77358 3.695582 2.734307
#>  2:        5-11   292   0 64.44681 3.536211 2.450932
#>  3:       12-15   305   0 66.08108 3.704014 2.980241
#>  4:       16-17   359   0 66.63636 3.815749 3.034014
#>  5:       18-24   355   0 57.37500 3.745745 2.891026
#>  6:       25-34   346   0 63.02941 3.697330 2.774242
#>  7:       35-44   347   0 62.41860 4.063018 3.006522
#>  8:       45-54   320   0 63.39535 3.581221 2.576602
#>  9:       55-64   319   0 63.17778 3.460617 2.494253
#> 10:       65-74   306   0 66.57407 4.178773 3.061633
#> 11:       75-84   357   0 63.66667 3.822949 2.841629
#> 12: 85 or older   353   0 49.28947 3.459594 2.458980
#> $num$summary$weight_name
#> [1] "day_weight"