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Add vehicle_id to trip table


  vehicle_mode_type = "Vehicle",
  values_dt = value_labels,



Dataset of trips in data.table format.


Dataset of vehicles in data.table format.


Mode type label for vehicle. Default is 'Vehicle'.


Dataset of value labels in data.table format.


Additional arguments passed to link{factorize_column}


Trip table with vehicle_id attached.


trip_ex = data.table(
  hh_id = sample(1:10, size = 30, replace = TRUE),
  trip_id = 1:30,
  mode_type = sample(1:2, size = 30, replace = TRUE),
  mode_1 = sample(1, size = 30, replace = TRUE)
vehicle_ex = data.table(
  hh_id = sample(1:10, size = 30, replace = TRUE),
  vehicle_id = 1:30
values_ex = data.table(
  variable = c(rep("mode_type", 2), ("mode_1")),
  value = c(1, 2, 1),
  value_label = c("Vehicle", "Walk", "Car")
  trip_table = trip_ex,
  vehicle_table = vehicle_ex,
  vehicle_mode_type = "Vehicle",
  values_dt = values_ex
#>     hh_id trip_id mode_type mode_1 vehicle_id
#>  1:     3       1         2      1       <NA>
#>  2:     7       2         1      1       <NA>
#>  3:     3       3         1      1       <NA>
#>  4:     8       4         2      1       <NA>
#>  5:     7       5         2      1       <NA>
#>  6:     8       6         2      1       <NA>
#>  7:     2       7         2      1       <NA>
#>  8:     8       8         2      1       <NA>
#>  9:     6       9         1      1       <NA>
#> 10:     5      10         2      1       <NA>
#> 11:    10      11         1      1       <NA>
#> 12:     5      12         1      1       <NA>
#> 13:     1      13         2      1       <NA>
#> 14:     8      14         1      1       <NA>
#> 15:     6      15         2      1       <NA>
#> 16:     4      16         1      1       <NA>
#> 17:     9      17         2      1       <NA>
#> 18:    10      18         2      1       <NA>
#> 19:     7      19         1      1       <NA>
#> 20:     7      20         1      1       <NA>
#> 21:     9      21         1      1       <NA>
#> 22:     2      22         2      1       <NA>
#> 23:     8      23         2      1       <NA>
#> 24:     7      24         1      1       <NA>
#> 25:     4      25         2      1       <NA>
#> 26:     6      26         2      1       <NA>
#> 27:     1      27         1      1       <NA>
#> 28:     6      28         1      1       <NA>
#> 29:     8      29         2      1       <NA>
#> 30:    10      30         2      1       <NA>
#>     hh_id trip_id mode_type mode_1 vehicle_id