A dataset containing person level attributes of almost 2,000 persons from the 2023 Puget Sound Regional Council Household Travel Survey. The variables are as follows:
A data frame with 1,999 rows and 19 columns:
- hh_id
8 digit household ID
- person_id
10 digit person ID
- ethnicity_1
Not of Hispnic, Latino, or Spanish origin, response codes
- ethnicity_2
Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, response codes
- ethnicity_3
Puerto Rican, response codes
- ethnicity_4
Cuban, response codes
- ethnicity_997
Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin, response codes
- ethnicity_999
Prefer not to answer, response codes
- race_1
African American or Black, response codes
- race_2
Americian Indian or Alaska Native, response codes
- race_3
Asian, response codes
- race_4
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, response codes
- race_5
White, response codes
- race_997
Other race, response codes
- race_999
Prefer not to answer, response codes
- age
Age, response codes
- gender
Gender, response codes
- employment
Employment status, response codes
- education
Highest level of education completed, response codes